Is there a full jailbreak for iOS 9.3.1?

Use our Jailbreaking online tool below:


How to jailbreak iOS

Jailbreaking is a process of getting rid of Apple software restrictions for iOS devices. Normally the iOS device owners can only install apps from the Apple store. It is by jailbreaking that you can install 3rd party apps enabling you to perform the additional functions on your iOS device like:

• Installing iOS system tweaks

• Customizing apps

• Themes customization

Jailbreaking iOS using odyssey.

Odyssey iOS jailbreak is now available for iOS 13 to iOS 13.7.

Step by step guide on using odyssey to jailbreak iOS.

Step 1

Go to:

Step: 2

Click on the Blue icon “Download Odyssey”

Step 3


Odyssey jailbreak will start the installation process on your iOS device.

Step 4

Follow these steps once the odyssey app is fully installed to TRUST.

Settings ˃ General ˃ Profile & Device Management ˃ Trust the odyssey app.

Step 5

Initiate the odyssey app from your iOS device home screen and click on the jailbreak button. This initiates the jailbreaking process.

Step 6

On prompting reboot your iOS device and tap on jailbreak once again.

Step 7

Respring indicator visible once the jailbreak process is successful.

Wander installer shortcut

Installing odyssey using “Wander installer shortcut” via the AltStore, Reprovision, Jailbreak app (Installing app without using a PC), Open odyssey IPA in share sheet or Save to files.

Download the Apple shortcut app from the App store.

On the “Untrusted shortcut option” Turn “ON”

Device Settings ˃ Shortcuts ˃ Allow Untrusted Shortcuts

• On

Clicca su "Add Shortcut Button"

Questo ti indirizza a web, tocca "Get Shortcut"

- In fondo alla pagina clicca su "Add Untrusted Shortcut" e poi clicca sulla scheda "Done" per configurare i collegamenti erranti.

- My Shortcut ˃ Wander shortcut ˃ Ok ˃ Done

Un messaggio appare sullo schermo ("Wander" vorrebbe eseguire shortcuts)Tocca "OK"

- L'opzione per installare il jailbreak appare, AltStore, Reprovision, Installare senza un computer, Aprire in share sheet o Save to files).

- Usando l'app odyssey completa il processo di jailbreak usando.

Metodo diretto AltStore

- Scarica odyssey con AltStore

- Installa iTunes, iCloud sul tuo PC

- Accedi a iCloud con il tuo ID Apple e la password.

• Download AltStore on your computer and connect your iPhone to the computer via lighting cable provide onto a USB port.

• Open Altserver

• Select install AltStore and tap on your device from the drop-down menu.

• Provide your Apple ID username and password to install AltStore on your iPhone.

• Provide a two-factor authentication code, click on “Submit”

• Now the installation of AltStore is in progress and finally, AltStore appears on your device's home screen.

Settings ˃ General ˃ Device Management

Trust your Apple ID email to authorize the AltStore.

Download the Odyssey IPA file.

Select the file from safari’s download manager. Click on the “Open with” icon.

Run Odyssey from your device home screen.

Click the Jailbreak to get on with the jailbreaking process.