Come digitare il simbolo della divisione lunga su un computer

Come posso digitare [math]testo{divisore},)overline{testo{dividendo},testo{dividendo},,}[/math] (il simbolo della gazinta della divisione lunga) su un computer?

Ho spesso lamentato la mancanza di un modo semplice per digitare:

  • [math]\math,math,math,math,math,math,1646090.6[/math]
    • e finire con qualcosa che effettivamente sembra decente.
    • Nota: Sul mio schermo di Windows, quanto sopra si allinea bene, ma potrebbe non farlo per voi. Ho dovuto sperimentare con i codici per farlo allineare (un sacco di tentativi ed errori).
    • Ecco il codice con cui ho finito:

      [ math ] ,,,,,,,1646090.6 [ / math ]
      [ math ] 6,)overline{,9876543.6,,} [ / math ]

We could, of course, just use the typewriter method, underscores on one line, then divisor ) dividend on the line below it, sort of like this, but I have to use dots to move the underscores over to the right:

  • · · ________
    6 ) 9866
    • It’s a shame that Quora does not let us type multiple spaces.

Character Map has the “ ⸏” character which is a bit lower than a “_”

  • . . .⸏⸏⸏⸏
    6 ) 966
    • but it types funny, shifting to the left⸏ from where you type it. I find the simple _____ easier to type, but the [ math ] code is still prettier.

Alternate division symbols

It is easy to type ÷ by using ALT+246
(or ÷ by using ALT+0247) with a Microsoft Windows computer.

You can use a fraction to show what it is you want to divide:

  • [ math ] frac { numerator } { denominator } [ / math ]
  • but get rid of all the spaces to see, for example,
    • [math]frac{9266}{6}[/math]

We can do a radical, so it seems ridiculous that we can’t type long division as easily. Here’s how to type a radical.

  • [ math ] sqrt { radicand } [ / math]
    • [math]sqrt{1000}[/math]
  • [ math ] sqrt [root] {radicand} [ / math]
    • [math]sqrt[3]{100}[/math]

Perhaps someday, Quora will give us more capability.

Okay, I’m done editing and reediting, Andrew, you can make some suggestions.