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- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divsion
- Modulo (%) <- very related to division
- Power/Exponent (pow)
- Absolute numbers (abs)
- Rounding off (roundf)
- Rounding up (ceil)
- Rounding down (floor)
- Pyth. Thm. (a^2 + b^2 = c^2)
- Floating point arithmetic (how floating points works)
- Arithmetic sequence (1, 2, 3, …)
- Geometric sequence (1^2, 2^2, 3^2, …)
- How to do a sum of numbers (for loop/arithmetic sequence)
- Binary numbers
- Hexadecimal numbers
- Octal numbers
- Factorial
- Functions
- Recursive Functions(e.g. Fibonacci sequence, Factorial of a number)
- Maximum value/Upper limit/lower limit of certain bytes of integer (32-bits vs 64-bits)
- Floating point exceptions (Epsilon, Division by 0, Infinity)
- Square Root (sqrt/pow(x, 1/2))
- String (actually, a set of 8-bits numbers)
- Set
- Hash function
- Tables (e.g. Division Table, Log Table)
- Signedness (e.g. +123, -123)
- Comparing numbers
- Bit manipulation (And, Or, Xor, Not, Xnor, Neg, Nand, Nor, Left Shift, Right Shift)
- Boolean arithmetic (True or False)
- Logic arithmetic (&&, ||, ==)
- Geometry (Hyperplane, points at infinity, etc…)
- Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, asin, atan2, etc…)
- Vector (Cartesian)
- Matrix (Not the movie)
- Quaternions
- Graph Theory
- Number Theory
- If possible, Calculus