Navigating the Web: Understanding Hyperlinks and Linking

Cosa mi permette di fare un collegamento ipertestuale?
Un click su un collegamento ipertestuale consente di passare a diversi elementi testuali di un documento o a risorse web separate, permettendo così di avere un’organizzazione non lineare dei contenuti.
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Hyperlinks, or links, are an essential aspect of the World Wide Web. They allow users to navigate and connect to various webpages, files, and resources. Hyperlinks can be found in text, images, buttons, and other elements on a web page. But what allows us to create these clickable links?

In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the code used to create web pages, we can make a hyperlink by wrapping the text we want to turn into a link with the tag. The tag stands for “anchor” and is followed by the href attribute, which specifies the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web address that the link will point to. For example:

In this example, “Click here” is the text that will be displayed on the webpage as the link. When a user clicks on this link, they will be directed to the website specified in the href attribute, in this case, “”.

Download PDF

In this example, “Download PDF” is the text that will be displayed on the webpage as the link. When a user clicks on this link, they will be prompted to download the PDF file located at “”.

The name of the sign to wrap the text you want to turn into a link is the “anchor tag” or “” tag. This tag is used to create the clickable link and is followed by the href attribute, which specifies the URL or file location the link will point to.

To create a link to share files, you can upload the file to a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox and then generate a shareable link. This link can then be inserted into the tag to create a hyperlink that will allow users to access and download the file.

Inserting a hyperlink into a PDF file can be done using Adobe Acrobat. First, select the text or image you want to turn into a hyperlink and then right-click and select “Create Link”. In the dialog box that appears, enter the URL or file location for the link and click “OK”. The selected text or image will now be clickable and will direct users to the specified URL or file location.

In conclusion, hyperlinks are an essential aspect of web navigation and allow users to connect to various webpages and resources. To create a hyperlink, we use the tag and specify the URL or file location we want the link to point to. By understanding how hyperlinks work, we can create effective and user-friendly web content.

Also, how to create a link in a word document?

To create a link in a Word document, follow these steps:

1. Select the text or image that you want to turn into a hyperlink.

2. Click on the “Insert” tab in the top menu.

3. Click on the “Hyperlink” button (it looks like a chain link).

4. In the “Insert Hyperlink” window, enter the URL or web address that you want to link to in the “Address” field.

5. Click “OK” to create the hyperlink.

You can also create a hyperlink to a specific location within the same document by selecting “Place in This Document” on the left-hand side of the “Insert Hyperlink” window and then selecting the heading or bookmark that you want to link to.

How to create a link for an image?

To create a link for an image, you can use the HTML code , where “URL” is the website address you want the image to link to, and “imageURL” is the web address of the image file. You would replace these with the specific URLs for your desired link and image. Alternatively, some website builders and content management systems may have a user-friendly interface for adding links to images.

With that in mind, how do I insert a link to an image file?

To insert a link to an image file, you can use the HTML “img” tag to display the image and the “a” tag to create a hyperlink around the image. Here is an example code that you can use:


Image description


In this code, “image.jpg” is the file name of the image you want to link to. The “alt” attribute provides a description of the image for accessibility purposes.