Discovering perfect rubies and game secrets

What is the best country to buy rubies?

Most rubies and the best quality rubies come from the country of Myanmar. However, rubies can also be found in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Australia, India, Russia, Africa, and the United States.
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When we look at things like finding pearls or navigating tough gaming, knowledge is king. This article investigates on where to find perfect rubies in real life and Skyrim among other games and offers necessary suggestions for The Witcher 3 questing.

Where to find a perfect ruby in reality

Rubies are considered as one of the most desirable gems due to their incredible beauty and high cost. Sri Lanka, China, Madagascar and Tanzania have the largest deposits of rubies. However, Myanmar (formerly Burma) has the most precious stones distinguished by their excellent quality and deep coloration. Among them Mogok mines within Myanmar produce top quality ruby worldwide.

Finding a perfect ruby in Skyrim

In a popular computer game Skyrim, where you can plunge into another world completely different from ours, players will be excited to come across a perfect ruby. A sunken boat on the river south west of Temple of Dibella near Markarth Stables holds it along with many other gems that sit beneath seats in a chest rather than inside it. Such little treasure would improve your gaming experience by adding some more valuable items into your collection.

How to save Baron in The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 is famous for its intricate mission structure and multiple storylines. One of the tasks that proves this is difficult saving Baron. You need to rush straightaway towards the spirit of willow if you want to start Ladies in the Wood quest right away before anything else. Spirit freeing is an important part when wanting to save Baron hence make sure you concentrate on this issue only until when you achieve your objective.

Finding Dwarven spirit in The Witcher 3

Another crucial aspect in The Witcher 3 involves finding dwarven spirit. At first, herbalist sells two first components needed so as not to make them scarce; secondly bags located at lower courtyard northwest house have also contained them besides while playing I had killed drowners found in the swamp south of my garrison for brains that were required to make different kinds of potions and concoctions in this game.


For gem lovers searching for the world’s best rubies or video gamers looking to finish difficult quests, having correct information is all you need. Whether it is a real-world ruby deposit or a virtual game artifact, there are plenty of amazing things to do and find.

How do you get rubies in hidden city game?
Rubies are obtained when leveling up, doing tutorial quests the first time, and as the occasional prize for various game activities.

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