How to Manage Your Recordings on Sky Q

How long do recordings stay on Sky Q?

In most cases, you will find that you now have more time to watch before the downloads expire. However, on Q, you can only tell if the expiration date is 30 days or earlier. So if you don't see an expiration date in Recordings for your downloads to Q, then you have at least 31 days to go.
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Managing recordings on Sky Q might seem tricky at first, but with the right steps, it becomes a breeze. Here’s a detailed guide to help you cancel, recover, and delete recordings on your Sky Q system.

Cancelling a Recording on Sky

If you have a recording that you no longer need, canceling it is straightforward.

Simply press the TIMER button on your remote, navigate to the recording in progress, press the MENU button, and then select the option to cancel the recording. This should cancel the recording effectively. With these few steps, you can manage your ongoing recordings more efficiently.

How Long Do Recordings Stay on Sky Q?

Sky Q is quite generous with how long it keeps your recordings. Recordings rarely get moved to the "deleted" section automatically. However, you can always recover them from this section, as recordings are only permanently deleted after two months. It’s important to remember that the two-month countdown starts from the date of insertion into the deleted section, not from the original recording date. Therefore, you have ample time to retrieve any mistakenly deleted content.

Removing Programs You’ve Started Watching

Sometimes, you might want to remove a program that you’ve started watching but don’t plan to finish.

To do this, go to the ‘Continue Watching’ row, select the title you want to remove, and press MENU. Then, choose the option ‘Remove from Row.’ This way, you can keep your ‘Continue Watching’ list tidy and relevant to your current viewing intentions.

Deleting Recordings on Sky Q

Freeing up space on your Sky Q is crucial for recording new shows and movies. Managing your recordings can be done easily through My TV.

Press the My TV button on your Sky remote to access your recordings. From there, you can select the content you no longer need and press the yellow button on your Sky remote to delete it. This simple process ensures that your Sky Q box always has sufficient space for the new content you wish to record.

By following these steps, you can manage your Sky Q recordings with ease, ensuring that your viewing experience remains smooth and enjoyable. Happy watching!

How do I keep my recorded Programmes on Sky?
Press TV Guide then green to access your Planner.Highlight the recorded programme to be copied and press red.Highlight any other programmes you want to copy then press select.On your DVD remote, press record.On your the Sky remote, press play.
Why can I not delete recordings on Sky Q?
Try a Reset Settings in the Q box hidden menu. To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings. With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select. Only Carry out the first Reset (Reset Settings) as the other two will wipe all recordings.
Can you bulk delete recordings on Sky Q?
Recordings>,Manage>,Disk Space>,scroll right &, then down to Mrs. Merton>,scroll right to Delete All &, press>,go to Confirm &, press.

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