What Happens When You Call a Phone in Airplane Mode?

What happens when someone calls you when your phone is on airplane mode?

The main role of the airplane mode is to disconnect you from the outside world by restricting calls and messages. However, if someone calls you in airplane mode on your iPhone or Android phone will go straight to voicemail. Sometimes, the caller may also experience that the phone is unavailable or not reachable.
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Airplane mode is a characteristic that most modern smartphones, tablets and some laptops have. When airplane mode is enabled, your device will not emit any radio signals whatsoever. Thus you cannot call or be called on, send or receive text messages or use mobile internet. Nevertheless, you can still connect to Wi-Fi if it is activated. In situations where there’s no signal though, turning on your airplane mode can save the battery of your smartphone.

Texting While Being in Airplane Mode

When airplane mode is turned on, one can still interact with texts. Even when you are in airplane mode this does not mean that you cannot do something about your messages. Switching on airplane mode allows users to open the app by pressing the notification and read the message. You then switch off airplane mode when ready to respond and type in your reply.

How You Can Tell Someone Is In Plane Mode

At times it may be difficult to tell if somebody has activated an aircraft manner; however perceptive people always find it out. An option for putting a mobile device into this regime exists on almost all phones as well as computers. The moment it gets switched on signals from various devices stop and an icon of an aeroplane appears on the screen of a phone.

Reaching Out to Someone without Signal

Making contact becomes difficult when someone doesn’t have signal but there are ways used for emergencies only at such times . If a user needs to make an emergency call (like 112 or 113) they may see “Emergency message via satellite” in their screen options. This way communication remains possible despite lack of a traditional mobile connection.

Receiving Calls in Airplane Mode

Enabling air plane means that you will not be able to make or receive calls, send messages or use internet while flying high up there. However other things can still be done using your phone at this stage. Take photos, listen music play video games writing emails and messages that can be sent once the airplane mode is switched off.

What does it say when you call someone who is on airplane mode?
They will get a reply telling that “The customer you have dialed has either switched off their phone or you has switched on airplane mode”
How do I know if someone's phone is on flight mode?
You don't - airplane mode just puts it “out of range” of anything - WiFi, mobile data, voice, text, everything. Since you can't contact a phone that's in airplane mode, you have no way to ask it if it's in airplane mode.
Does airplane mode avoid roaming charges?
With Airplane Mode turned on, your device will not be able to connect to cellular service, meaning you will definitely not incur any international roaming charges. But, if you have airplane mode turned on, it also means that you cannot make any calls or send/receive any messages.

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