Perché non riesco a cancellare un messaggio su WhatsApp?

Perché WhatsApp non mi fa eliminare il messaggio per tutti?

Solo gli amministratori del gruppo possono eliminare messaggi inviati da altri membri. Gli amministratori del gruppo hanno a disposizione due giorni dall'invio del messaggio per poter utilizzare la funzione Elimina per tutti.
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To delete a message on WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Access WhatsApp and go to the chat where you want to delete the message.
  2. Select the menu.
  3. Click on "Delete for Everyone" and choose "Delete Message".

Deleting Old Messages

To delete all old messages, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "…" icon located at the top right of the chat.
  2. Click on "Select Messages".
  3. Occasionally, click on the checkboxes next to the messages you want to delete.
  4. Then, click on the trash icon located at the bottom right.

Deleting WhatsApp Messages After a Long Time

To delete WhatsApp messages after a long time, follow these steps:

  1. Check the time on WhatsApp when you sent the message.
  2. Long press on the message you want to delete and tap on the trash icon.
  3. You should now see the option "Delete for Everyone".

To delete a message on Messenger after ten minutes, follow these steps:

  1. Open the conversation and click on the sent message you want to delete.
  2. Different actions, such as "Remove" (for Android) or "More > Remove" (for iOS), will appear.
  3. You can delete the message for everyone by choosing the option "Remove for Everyone" within ten minutes of sending.

Message Retention on Messenger

If you activate this feature, messages exchanged with another person (or in group chats) will disappear after 7 days from the time they were sent, rather than from the time they were read.

Why WhatsApp Messages Are Deleted Automatically

WhatsApp developers have introduced the new feature called "ephemeral messages" with the clear motivation of automatically deleting chat threads that the user does not consider important or wants to set a deadline for after 7 days.

Deleting WhatsApp Messages Before They Are Read

To delete a WhatsApp message before it is read, follow these simple steps:

  1. Turn on WhatsApp.
  2. Find the chat where the message you want to delete is located.
  3. Click on the message (or messages) to open a window.
  4. Click on "Delete for Everyone".

Deleting a Message After Seven Minutes

In other words, before the seven-minute mark, you must have already chosen which message to revoke and pressed on the message itself to bring up the message deletion window. Even after the seven minutes, you can delete the selected message once it is opened.

Deleting WhatsApp Chat for Both Parties

To delete every message:

  • Open WhatsApp and go to the chat where you want to delete the message.
  • Tap and hold the message. You can also select multiple messages to delete at once.
  • Click on "Delete" to delete all.

Message Removal Timeframe in Messenger

After ten minutes, the message can no longer be removed, and the recipient can read it. Both group chats and individual chats have the function to delete a message within 10 minutes of sending.

Deleting Old Messages for Everyone

To delete old messages for everyone, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "…" icon located at the top right of the chat.
  2. Click on "Select Messages".
  3. Occasionally, click on the checkboxes next to the messages you want to delete.
  4. Then, click on the trash icon located at the bottom right.

Message Retention Time in Messenger

If you activate this feature, every single message exchanged with another person (or in group chats) will disappear after 7 days from the moment it was sent (not from the moment the message was read).

Deleting WhatsApp Messages Sent After Seven Minutes

In other words, before the seven-minute mark, you must have already chosen which message to revoke and pressed on the message itself to bring up the message deletion window. Even after the seven minutes, you can delete the selected message once it is opened.

Quando non si possono più cancellare i messaggi su WhatsApp?
Hai due giorni di tempo dall'invio di un messaggio per poter utilizzare la funzione Elimina per tutti. Solo gli amministratori del gruppo possono eliminare messaggi inviati da altri membri.
Come eliminare definitivamente un messaggio inviato su WhatsApp?
Da Android Una volta individuato il messaggio inviato da eliminare, mantieni la pressione del dito su quest'ultimo, fino a che risulti evidenziato. Tra i pulsanti in alto, pigia su quello con il simbolo del cestino e, tra le opzioni che ti vengono mostrate, scegli quella denominata Elimina per tutti.
Come eliminare un messaggio vecchio su WhatsApp per tutti?
Per eliminare un messaggio in modo “classico”, invece, devi tenere premuto su di esso, così da selezionarlo (puoi anche selezionarne più di uno), fare tap sull'icona del cestino (in alto a destra) e pigiare sulla dicitura Elimina per tutti (se hai inviato il messaggio da massimo un paio di giorni e vuoi cancellarlo ...

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