Perché non mi arrivano le notifiche di Gmail?

Perché non mi arrivano più le notifiche di Gmail?

Puoi attivare le notifiche di Gmail anche andando ad agire sulle impostazioni di Android. Per riuscirci, prendi il tuo smartphone o tablet Android, sbloccalo, accedi alla home screen o al drawer e fai tap sull'icona delle Impostazioni (quella a forma di ruota d'ingranaggio), dopodiché sfiora la dicitura Notifiche.
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To enable Gmail notifications on your desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail and click on the Settings icon.
  2. Select "See all settings" in the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose "Desktop notifications" and select "Enable notifications for new messages."

To activate Gmail notifications on your mobile phones (Android), follow these steps:

  1. Access the Gmail application on your device.
  2. Select your account and press "Notifications."
  3. Scroll down to "Incoming mail notifications."
  4. Choose your preferred notification options.

Troubleshooting Communication Issues

If you are not receiving any notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows key and go to "Settings."
  2. Select "System" and click on "Notifications & actions" on the left.
  3. Ensure that the option to receive notifications from apps and other sources is enabled.

How to Stay Informed When Emails Arrive

To be informed when a new email arrives, follow these steps:

  1. In the settings window, select "Notifications."
  2. Go to "Mail" (in the left-hand list) and turn on the "Allow notifications from Mail" switch.
  3. Open the Mail application.
  4. Go to "Preferences," then "General," and "Settings."
  5. In the "New message notifications" dropdown menu, choose "Inbox only."

To enable notifications on your phone, follow these steps:

  • By toggling the "Show notifications" switch, you can enable or disable multiple notifications at once. Alternatively, you can choose which notifications to allow in the "Categories" section. Note that available options may vary depending on the app.

How to Enable Notifications for an Application

To enable notifications for an application, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Notifications" from the Phone Link app.
  2. Choose "Basic information."
  3. After granting Android permissions, select "Open settings for me" whenever prompted.
  4. A list of installed applications on your Android device will be displayed.

Troubleshooting Facebook Update Issues

If you are not receiving Facebook updates, follow these steps:

  1. Select the gear symbol on the home screen of the application to access your device’s settings.
  2. Go to the Facebook Notifications section and slide the toggle switch next to "Allow notifications" to the OFF position.

Understanding Pop-up Notifications

Pop-ups are graphical interface elements, such as windows or dialog boxes, that automatically appear during the use of an application to draw the user’s attention.

How to Restore Notifications

Option 1: In the Settings application:

  • Select the "Settings" application on your phone.
  • Choose "Notifications" and then "App configuration."
  • Recent apps that have sent you notifications will be in the "Recent" section. Tap "All apps" in the dropdown menu to find more apps.
  • Click on the app.
  • Choose whether to enable or disable the application’s notifications.

Additionally, you may ask: How can I view notifications?

To help apps send and display notifications on the lock screen:

  1. Open settings, search for and access "Apps."
  2. Select the desired application and tap "Notifications."
  3. Enable "Allow notifications" and choose "Show on lock screen."
Come attivare le notifiche di Gmail?
Sui dispositivi Android Apri l'app Gmail. Impostazioni . Seleziona il tuo account e scorri fino a Notifiche. Tocca Notifiche Posta in arrivo e seleziona le impostazioni di notifica.
Cosa fare quando non arrivano le notifiche?
Se le notifiche non appaiono nel menu di blocco smartphone, allora conviene visitare il menu specifico che si trova sotto Impostazioni >, Notifiche >, Notifiche schermata di blocco e da li controllare che sia acceso il pulsante Mostra.
Perché non mi arrivano le mail di Gmail?
Qui bisogna andare su Impostazioni, fare clic su Vedi tutte le impostazioni e poi selezionare la scheda Filtri e indirizzi bloccati. In questa nuova scheda sarà possibile verificare se il mittente sia tra quelli bloccati o meno e, in caso, sbloccarlo per riattivare la corretta ricezione delle email.

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