Perché non caricano i video su YouTube?

Cosa fare se non si caricano i video su YouTube?

Riavviare l'app YouTube o il tuo dispositivo. Prova a chiudere l'app YouTube o a riavviare il dispositivo. ... Aggiornare il browser e controllare le estensioni. ... Aggiornare l'app YouTube. ... Controllare l'utilizzo dei dati.
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If the loading seems blocked or takes a long time, it could be due to:

  • The file type and its size: The video size varies depending on the file type and format. Encode your videos in one of these formats to speed up loading.
  • Why can’t I watch videos on YouTube from my mobile device? These issues include: incorrect time and date, data accumulation in the phone’s YouTube app cache, outdated YouTube app, outdated operating system version (e.g. Android), etc.
  • Flash Player issue reports: Playing videos with the flash player is allowed by YouTube. Why can’t the mobile phone load videos? Android cannot play videos. If the Film application is disabled, make sure to enable it. To do this, go to Settings, then to Film and activate it by clicking on the slider. Emptying the cache of the browser history used is another recommended action.

How can I use YouTube if it doesn’t work? Additional steps to follow on your mobile device include deleting YouTube data and cache.

  • Sync the date and time: There may be a malfunction of the mobile application if the YouTube servers are not identical;
  • Monitor your internet access.

How can YouTube cache be cleared? Open the Chrome application on your Android smartphone or tablet.
Click on More in the upper right corner.

  • Select History.
  • Choose a duration at the top.
  • Check the boxes for "Cookies and site data" and "Cached images and files".
  • Click on "Clear data".

Furthermore, people ask: Why can’t videos be viewed anymore? There may be various reasons why you cannot view videos on the internet, including issues with the web browser you are using, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Additionally, some applications or codecs may prevent proper video playback. This applies to both computers and mobile phones.

Furthermore, people ask: How can I restore my videos on YouTube? You can only file a complaint and request the reactivation of your account by filling out a specific form in the Google Help Center section if your YouTube channel has been temporarily closed. How can be updated? Update the YouTube app: open the Google Play Store app.

  • Click on the menu. My apps and games.
  • The "Update" label indicates apps that have updates available.
  • To update all apps, tap Update all. Locate the individual app you want to update and tap Update.

Why can’t I view videos on an iPhone? Assume that your iPhone is connected to an excellent wireless network or a cellular data network. Restoring network settings is an additional step to complete: Select "Settings," "General," "Reset," and choose "Reset Network Settings." Reconnect to the internet and play the video in the application. Why can’t I view videos on my Huawei phone? Access the application on the Huawei phone, turn off Wi-Fi, reconnect to Wi-Fi, and restart the application. Try playing the same video to see if it plays correctly. Go to Settings, choose Personal, and then clear the cache.

Come mai non riesco a vedere video su YouTube?
Assicurati che il dispositivo utilizzi la versione più recente dell'app YouTube. Chiudi e riapri l'app. Riavvia il dispositivo. Quando il sistema si riavvia, riproduci di nuovo il video.
Come mai YouTube non funziona?
YouTube non funziona: soluzioni per il PC Aggiornare il browser: Se non puoi guardare video su YouTube nel browser, dovresti prima aggiornare il browser. Controllare la connessione Internet: Come su Android, anche su PC una connessione Internet difettosa può causare problemi con YouTube.
Perché YouTube si impalla?
In genere questo accade quando l'applicazione è vecchia o obsoleta. Il modo più semplice per risolvere l'arresto di YouTube è quello di riavviare l'applicazione. Non limitarti a chiudere l'applicazione, ma impedisci l'esecuzione in sottofondo.

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