Perché Google si interrompe in continuazione?

Program or Process Interference

A program or process running on your computer can cause issues with Chrome. If the problem persists, try restarting your computer. If the previous solutions do not work, we suggest uninstalling and restarting Chrome.

Chrome Crashes Unexpectedly

Chrome may suddenly crash due to corrupted cache files or conflicting files.

Google Not Loading

If Google does not load, check your internet connection for Google Chrome. If the page does not load or opens with difficulty, access the More Tools menu and clear your browsing data. Select the desired duration under "Clear the following items from" at the top.

Chrome Freezes

If Google Chrome freezes, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your phone settings.
  2. Click on "Apps" to view a list of all installed apps on your Android phone.
  3. Click on the application causing the problem.
  4. On the next screen, click "Force Stop" or "Terminate".
  5. Finally, try reopening the application.

Websites Not Functioning Properly

Restart your computer, tablet, or smartphone. A simple restart often resolves the issue. Try accessing the site again after restarting the device.

Web Pages Not Functioning Properly

Clearing the cache and restarting the DNS service on your computer often resolves the issue. Additionally, clearing the cache and resetting the DNS service can help with slow internet loading, especially if connection speed tests yield good results.

Restarting Chrome

To restart Chrome on a Mac or Windows PC, type "chrome://restart" in the address bar of Chrome. Then, press Enter to execute the command. The browser will automatically restart, and previously opened tabs will be restored.

Google App Blocked

If Google is blocked, it is likely due to a bug in the application’s latest update. The only solution is a new update released by the developers, which includes the bug fix. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store.
  2. Check if Chrome has been updated by opening it on your computer and verifying the current version of the browser.
  3. Click on "More" at the top right.
  4. Click on "Help" for Google Chrome.

Google Not Working on Android

Check your internet connection. If you are experiencing issues with Google on Android, try checking your internet connection by accessing a website using your phone’s browser. If the browser does not work in this case as well, there may be a problem with the connection. In that case, try restarting your modem if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network. Alternatively, you can try switching from your phone’s data to a Wi-Fi network.

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