Dove trovo la traduzione copiata?

Dove vengono copiate le traduzioni di Google?

Dopo aver eseguito l'accesso, le traduzioni vengono salvate automaticamente nel cloud. Puoi gestire la cronologia salvata nella pagina Le mie attività. Importante: se non vuoi utilizzare nell'app la cronologia del cloud, devi uscire dal tuo account.
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To begin, you need to access the Google Translate function. There are two ways to do this:

  1. In the search bar, search for "Google Translate".
  2. Click on "More" (in the top right corner) and choose "Translate".

People often ask: How do you use Google Translate? Its usage is very simple:

  1. To access the main page of the service, you should access the drop-down menus at the top left and top right and choose the source and target languages.
  2. Then, type the text to be translated in the left box.
  3. To translate a complete Word file, click on Review, then Translate, and then Translate document.
    • Choose the language to use for displaying the translation.
    • Choose Translate. A duplicate of the translated text will open in another window.
    • To close the translator, choose OK in the initial window.

Translating a PDF File Independently

Partial translations – document on the Internet

For example, you may have downloaded it from the Internet. Unless you have a subscription to Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Acrobat Pro services, this method allows you to make translations by selecting parts of the text or even the entire text, copying and pasting the text into Google Translate.

Reducing the Size of a PDF File

You can compress a PDF file online to reduce its size. Alternatively, you can select the file by clicking on the button above or dragging it into the upload area. Acrobat will automatically compress the PDF file after it has been selected. Finally, you can access it to download or share the compressed PDF.

Modifying a PDF File

This is the procedure for editing PDF files:

  1. Use Acrobat DC to open the file.
  2. In the right pane, click on the "Edit PDF" tool.
  3. Add new text, edit existing text, or update fonts as needed using Acrobat’s editing tools found in the Format list.

Translating a Printed Document

The best apps for translating a printed document are Microsoft Translator and Google Translate. They are extremely user-friendly and available for both Android and iOS.

Editing a Scanned Copy

To edit the text of a document that has been obtained from a scan, use Acrobat:

  1. Scan the PDF file you have acquired.
  2. Click on Tools and choose > Edit PDF.
  3. Click on the text element you want to edit and start typing.
  4. Choose File and then Save As. Then, assign a new name to the document you want to edit.

Converting an Image to Text

Converting a scan to text is as easy as this:

  1. Install PDFElement on your computer.
  2. Import a photo or a scanned PDF.
  3. Use OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
  4. See the text.

Who Can Perform Certified Translations?

Anyone who is able to handle civil and criminal liabilities can perform certified translations, while translators deal with the rest of the bureaucracy. This has been confirmed by the president of the court in my city. In Italy, there is no official register of translators.

Come tradurre un testo copiato?
Apri un'app con un testo che puoi copiare.Evidenzia il testo da tradurre. Copia.Nella schermata corrente, tocca Google Traduttore .Scegli la lingua che ti interessa.
Come avere la traduzione istantanea?
Installa Gboard sul telefono o tablet Android.Apri un'app che ti permetta di digitare, come Gmail o Keep.Tocca un punto in cui puoi inserire testo.Tocca Apri menu funzioni. ... Tocca Traduci .Seleziona la lingua di origine.Seleziona la lingua di destinazione.Inserisci il testo.More items...
Dove si trova il traduttore sul cellulare?
Tutto quello che devi fare è avviare Google Traduttore, premere sulla miniatura della tua foto dell'account Google (in alto a destra), selezionare la voce Impostazioni e pigiare sull'opzione Tocca per tradurre.

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