Dove sono le chat archiviate Messenger?

Dove trovo i messaggi archiviati su Messenger?

In alto a sinistra accanto a Chat, clicca su . 3. Clicca su Chat archiviate.
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To view the archived chats on Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. On the main screen of the application, tap on your profile picture at the top left corner.
  2. Select the "Archived Chats" option.
  3. This will display a complete list of all the chats that you have chosen to archive.

How to Access Archived Chats on Messenger from Mobile

To access the archived chats on Messenger from your mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Messages" and select "See All" on Messenger.
  2. All the chats will be displayed on the new screen.
  3. Click on the Messenger gear icon and select "Archived Conversations" to retrieve the saved chats.
  4. You will be taken to this section.

How to Recover Archived Messenger Chats

To recover the archived chats on Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger application on your iOS or Android smartphone.
  2. In the top left corner, tap on your profile picture.
  3. Select "Archived Chats" from the new section that opens.

When are Messages Sent and Archived in the Chat?

Messages arrive when the chat is archived. In fact, the chat will be automatically restored to the main list if a message is sent to the archived chat or if a participant in the archived group shares a file.

What Happens When I Delete a WhatsApp Chat?

When you archive a chat in the WhatsApp app, the following happens:

  1. The chat no longer appears in the main conversation window.
  2. You can access the chat whenever you want and undo the archiving.
  3. Remember that when you archive a chat, it is hidden but not deleted.

What Does Preserving a WhatsApp Chat Mean?

Preserving a WhatsApp chat means using the chat archive function to better organize your conversations by hiding an individual or group chat from your chat list. It is important to note that archiving a chat does not delete or save the chat to the SD card.

How Can I Tell if Someone Has Archived Me on WhatsApp?

The other person may think that you have archived the chat if they have blocked their profile picture. They can understand that you have deleted or archived the conversations on your WhatsApp account if they see your phone and cannot find the conversations.

Why Do Archived Chats Remain Silent?

Archived chats now appear at the top of the chat list within a specific folder called "Archived". At this point, the archived chats remain there and do not move, and most importantly, they are automatically muted unless you choose otherwise in the WhatsApp settings.

How to Hide WhatsApp Chats Without Archiving Them

To hide WhatsApp chats without archiving them, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the chat you want to hide.
  2. Access new options by tapping on the three dots at the top right corner.
  3. Select the "Hide" option.

How to Avoid Being Visible on WhatsApp After?

Each device can activate "Airplane Mode", which completely disconnects us from the connection and makes us practically invisible. You may not know that even if you are in airplane mode, you can still see and respond to messages that have already arrived in the chat.

Dove trovo le chat nascoste su Messenger?
Per entrare nella cartella nascosta dalla versione desktop di Facebook basta accedere alla sezione "Messaggi" dal nostro profilo e successivamente nelle "Richieste di messaggi". Qui si possono visualizzare le conversazioni nascoste cliccando "Vedi richieste con filtri".
Come recuperare i messaggi archiviati su Messenger?
Tutto quello che devi fare per vedere le chat archiviate su Messenger, sia usando l'app per dispositivi Android (disponibile anche su store alternativi, per i device senza servizi Google) o iPhone/iPad che da computer, è accedere al celebre servizio di messaggistica e selezionare l'opzione Chat Archiviate.
Come si fa per vedere le chat archiviate?
Puoi spostare nuovamente le conversazioni archiviate nella schermata Home. Apri Google Messaggi . Archiviati. Tocca e tieni premuta ogni conversazione che vuoi ripristinare.

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