Cosa sono i file con estensione RAR?

Cosa indica un file con estensione RAR?

Un formato di file di archivio che consente di supportare la compressione dei dati senza perdite. Un formato di file di archivio di tipo proprietario. I file ZIP possono essere creati ed estratti dalla maggior parte dei sistemi operativi. I file RAR possono essere creati solo con il software WinRAR.
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The abbreviation of the RAR file format is Roshal Archive Compressed and it is a compressed archive created by WinRAR. Typically, an archive contains multiple files, but it can also be just a single file. To use the files, you need to extract them from the archive.


WinRAR is a shareware software designed by Evgenij Lazarevič Rošal that allows you to create and modify RAR archives (files with the extension .rar) using a proprietary compression algorithm. It is one of the few apps that possess this functionality.

Opening ZIP Files on Windows 10

To open a ZIP file in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the compressed ZIP file.
  2. Click on "Extract All".
  3. In the window that opens, choose the folder where you want to extract the ZIP archive.

Using Winzip to Open ZIP Files

Some programs you can use on your computer to open ZIP files are:

  • ZipGenius: a useful program for managing, opening, and creating ZIP archives.
  • WinRAR: a famous compressed archive manager that facilitates the quick creation and opening of ZIP and RAR files.

Opening ZIP Files

To open a ZIP file, right-click on the ZIP attachment and select "Extract All" from the context menu. After choosing the file destination (the desktop is recommended), the process is complete.

Using 7-Zip to Open RAR Files

7-Zip can be used to open compressed files in RAR format. Simply right-click on the file and choose 7-Zip. You can extract the files in the current location or in a specific folder. However, the free desktop application cannot create RAR files. Although WinRAR is the most popular, it requires an additional cost.

Opening RAR Files on Mobile

Here are some other programs to open RAR files on Android:

  • Simple Unrar: a free program that allows you to open RAR files.
  • WinZip: a well-known program for managing compressed archives.
  • ALZip: a free program that allows you to manage compressed archives.

Opening RAR Files on Mac

To open RAR files on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the RAR file you want to open.
  2. Choose the "Open With" option.
  3. Select Keka from the menu that appears.
  4. You can also extract the contents of a RAR file by double-clicking on it and then pressing the "Extract" button.

Transferring eBooks between Kobo and Kindle

From Kobo to Kindle

To transfer your books from Kobo to Kindle, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your old eReader to your PC or Mac using the cable.
  2. Create a folder on your desktop.
  3. Move the eBooks you want to transfer to the Kobo into the folder using the mouse.
  4. Disconnect the old eReader and connect the new Kobo.

From Kobo to Kindle

No, unfortunately, it is not possible because the Kindle format differs from the Kobo format. There are some applications that can convert Kindle format to Kobo, but I’m not sure if they work. You can purchase Kobo eBooks directly from the company’s website or from retailers like La Feltrinelli or Mondadori.

Come aprire un file con estensione RAR?
Per decomprimere i file Apri Esplora file e trova la cartella compressa. Per decomprimere l'intera cartella, fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per selezionare Estrai tutto e segui le istruzioni.
Che differenza c'è tra RAR e ZIP?
Al di là dei diversi algoritmi di compressione utilizzati (rar è generalmente più efficiente di zip e produce archivi di dimensioni inferiori) i due formati si distinguono per il fatto che ZIP è un formato libero, mentre RAR è un formato proprietario.
Come convertire un file RAR?
Aprire file RAR con WinZip.Fai clic su “Decomprimi su:” e scegli la posizione in cui desideri salvare il tuo file.Seleziona tutti i file che sono stati decompressi e comprimili con WinZip in un file Zip.

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