Cosa posso fare con PriMus DCF?

Quanto costa PriMus DCF?

Primus DCF è il software gratuito per i computi metrici proposto dalla ACCA, software house italiana molto nota tra i tecnici e che è sempre garanzia di qualità, essendo leader da anni in questo specifico settore.
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ACCA offers solutions for BIM architectural design (Edificius), structural calculation (EdiLus), and energy certification (TerMus) that integrate the functions of PriMus-DCF.

  • Impiantus: plant design
  • Development of photovoltaic systems (Solarius-PV)

Cost of PriMus DCF

How much does PriMus DCF cost considering this? The new version of PriMus DCF is available at a price of €699.00. It is a comprehensive software that allows for integrated management of all issues related to coordination, prevention, cost estimation, and construction design, ensuring work safety.

Meaning of PriMus DCF

So, what does PriMus DCF mean? The PriMus DCF program, based on PriMus technology, uses the conventional DCF format. It is a fantastic program for exchanging price lists, price lists, and computing documents for free and without limits.

Cost of Purchasing PriMus ACCA

How much does purchasing PriMus ACCA cost? The integration of software from light to full costs €400.00, which is the difference between the full price (PriMus €699.00) and the light price (PriMus-P €299.00).

Opening a DCF File

As a result, how can I open a file with the .dcf extension? The default program that supports the file should open after double-clicking on the unknown file icon. If that doesn’t work, you need to download and install the Sony Ericsson DRM Packager software. Afterward, you need to manually link the file to the software.

Organizing a Metric Calculation

How can a metric calculation be organized? The simplest form of metric calculation is a table that contains the Code description, calculation item description, measurement dimensions (length, width, and height), quantity, unit price, and total amount of the item. By clicking on this link, you can download the Metric Calculation.

Obtaining a Free Metric Calculation

How can I obtain a free metric calculation? The three free programs for metric composition are LeenO, PriMus DCF, and Blumatica Pitagora.

  • Additional software.

Obtaining the PriMus Price List

How can we obtain the PriMus price list taking this into account?
1) Click on "Open" on the PriMus program home.
7) Choose the folder related to the desired price list…
10) To save the document on your computer, click on "Save".

Cost of Solarius

What is the cost of Solarius? The monthly cost of Solarius is €49 and can only be paid with a credit card.

Understanding a Metric Calculation

In this sense, what is a metric calculation? The estimated metric calculation is a document that allows you to estimate the cost of carrying out work for the maintenance or construction of a building (or part of it).

Dove salva i file PriMus DCF?
Il file di lavoro viene salvato direttamente sul cloud di usBIM. In questo modo non sprechi spazio sul tuo pc, puoi consultare e modificare il file ovunque ti trovi, puoi condividere il computo e collaborare con i tuoi colleghi in modo più semplice e immediato scambiando i file direttamente il cloud.
A cosa serve PriMus K?
PriMus-K è il software per la redazione del cronoprogramma dei lavori e il monitoraggio dell'andamento economico-finanziario della costruzione sia in fase di progetto (piano finanziario) che in fase di esecuzione (avanzamento dei lavori) anche in automatico da un documento di PriMus.
A cosa serve PriMus C?
PriMus-C è il software per la redazione automatica di Capitolati Speciali d'Appalto, Capitolato generale, schemi di contratto, relazioni tecniche e modulistica.

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