Cosa fare se non si spegne il PC?

Cosa fare se il tuo PC non si spegne?

Prova a forzare lo spegnimento. Premi e mantieni premuto il pulsante di accensione finché la luce di alimentazione non si spegne per spegnere il dispositivo. Se il tuo dispositivo si avvia in Windows dopo il riavvio, aggiorna il BIOS, i pacchetti di Windows e i driver all'ultima versione per evitare problemi futuri.
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If your computer is not responding to commands and you need to force it to shut down, try the following steps:

  1. Press the WIN+R keys simultaneously to open the Run window.
  2. Type the same command shown above to initiate the forced shutdown procedure.

Preventing Unexpected Shutdowns

To avoid your computer from shutting down unexpectedly, consider the following tips:

  • Desktop computers often have a restart button located near the power button. This button is typically smaller and rounder and may be the cause of the shutdown issue. The power button is often equipped with a safety system that restarts the computer when pressed quickly.

Restart Duration

The computer restart process usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour. If 45 minutes have passed and the program is not yet completed, the system configuration restoration may be stuck.

Computer Turning On When Opening

If your computer turns on when you open it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel.
  2. Select Power Options.
  3. Look for the option that indicates what happens when you close the lid, and choose "Shut down the system".

Sudden Shutdown Causes

Sudden computer shutdowns can be caused by the power supply, especially in laptops. In such cases, try using another power supply to see if the problem persists.

Disabling Automatic Startup

To disable automatic startup, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the active network connection.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Go to the Configure section.
  4. Look for WOL or Wake on LAN and disable the option.

Exiting Standby Mode

To exit standby mode using the settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Charm bar by moving the mouse to the right side of the screen or pressing the Windows key + C.
  2. Click on Settings and then Power & Sleep.
  3. Select the option "Never" to exit standby mode.

Disabling Fast Startup

To disable fast startup in Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Search for "Power Options" in the Windows search box and press Enter.
  2. Choose Change what the power buttons do.
  3. Select Change settings that are currently unavailable.

Automatically Starting the PC from BIOS

To automatically start the PC from the BIOS, follow these steps:

  1. Choose BIOS Power-On in the Advanced tab.
  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select when you want the computer to start automatically.
  3. Click the left or right arrow keys to choose Enabled.

Quick Startup in Windows 10

To quickly start Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Search for "Power Options" in the Windows 10 search box.
  2. Choose Choose what the power button does.

Preventing Unexpected Shutdowns (Revised)

To avoid unexpected computer shutdowns, consider the following:

  • Desktop computers often have a restart button, which is typically smaller and rounder and may be the cause of the shutdown issue. Since this is a safety system, pressing the power button quickly will restart the computer instead of shutting it down.

Sudden Shutdown Causes (Revised)

Sudden computer shutdowns can be caused by the power supply, especially in laptops. In such cases, try using another power supply to see if the problem persists.

Disabling Fast Startup (Revised)

To disable fast startup in Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Search for "Power Options" in the Windows search box and press Enter.
  2. Choose Choose what the power button does.
  3. Select Change settings that are currently unavailable.
Cosa fare se il computer non si chiude?
Come spegnere il PC in modo forzato Tutto quello che bisogna fare è premere e tenere premuto il tasto Power per un tempo pari ad almeno 4 secondi, o comunque fino a quando il computer o il notebook non si spegnerà.
Come si spegne un computer bloccato?
Se il computer rimane bloccato dopo aver chiuso le applicazioni che non rispondono, riavviarlo. Per riavviare un computer bloccato, tenere premuto il pulsante di accensione finché il computer non si spegne.
Come spegnere il computer in modo forzato?
Se lo schermo del computer si blocca, premere i tasti Ctrl+Alt+Delete e selezionare (Arresta il sistema (Shut down)) nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo del computer, quindi selezionare Arresta il sistema (Shut down).

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