Cosa fare se la Wii non legge i dischi?

  1. Start by checking the disc if it’s not playing correctly. It is possible that the console cannot read it if there is a defect in the disc.
  2. Hold the disc up to the light to check for scratches or smudges on the underside.
  3. Cleaning the disc often resolves the issue if the culprit is a smudge.
  4. To clean a game disc, use a damp cloth (do not use water) and wipe the disc from the center to the edge in a circular motion.
  5. Make sure the disc is clean, then reinsert it and check if the error occurs.

If some Wii games are not functioning properly, it may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Check if the underside of the game discs has any writing or labels.
  2. If the discs have significant damage, such as scratches or cracks, new discs will be required.
  3. Click here to contact Nintendo Support for assistance.

To clean the Wii lens without a kit, follow these simple steps:

  1. Take a small piece of microfiber cloth and attach it to a strip of adhesive.
  2. Remove any excess fibers using a toothpick, ensuring that the cloth is securely attached to the disc.
  3. Finally, to clean the laser lens of a CD, DVD, or game console, simply insert the disc.

To connect a CD to the Wii:

  1. Insert a game disc into the disc slot on the front of the Wii console, and the console will automatically turn on.
  2. Go to the Wii menu and select the Disc Channel.
  3. Select "Start" on the preview channel screen to begin playing.
  4. After finishing the game, click the "Eject" button to remove the disc.

The new Wii system will enhance your Wii console. Connect your Wii console to the internet and manually select "Wii console update" in the Wii console settings to update to the latest version.

To clean the surface of a PlayStation disc:

  1. Rub the surface of the disc with a damp cloth from the center to the outer edge.
  2. Clean the disc with a damp cloth, starting from the center hole and moving in straight lines towards the edge.
  3. Repeat cleaning the entire disc. Cleaning the disc with circular motions can be harmful.

To clean a disc:

  1. After wetting the cloth, gently wipe the surface of the disc, trying to remove stubborn dirt.
  2. After completely drying the disc, insert it into the PS4 and start the desired game. The dirty tracks should now be just a memory!

To clean a laser lens:

  1. Locate the laser lens and pour a few drops of water on one side of a cotton swab.
  2. Gently wipe the lens to remove dust and dirt.
  3. Repeat this process as needed, being careful not to let water seep into the circuits.

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