Cosa fare se Amazon Fire stick non funziona?

Come ripristinare il Fire TV Stick?

Tieni premuti i pulsanti Indietro e il lato destro del cerchio di navigazione contemporaneamente per 10 secondi. Sullo schermo del televisore, scegli se continuare o annullare il ripristino delle impostazioni di fabbrica. Se non effettui alcuna scelta, il dispositivo si ripristina automaticamente dopo alcuni secondi.
Leggi di più su
  1. Verify Fire Stick Settings:

    • Make sure the settings of your Fire Stick are correct.
  2. Reset the Fire Stick:

    • Perform a reset on the Fire Stick.
  3. Check your network connection:

    • Ensure that your network connection is working properly.
  4. Install available updates:

    • Install all available updates for your Fire Stick.
  5. Restore Fire Stick programs:

    • Restore the programs on your Fire Stick.

Resetting Fire Stick without Remote

To reset your Fire Stick without using the remote, you can use the Fire TV application. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Fire TV application on your mobile device.
  2. Enter the four-digit code displayed on your TV screen.
  3. Use the app to navigate the Fire Stick.
  4. Go to Settings and choose System.
  5. Reset the Fire Stick to factory settings.

Restarting Fire Stick with Remote

To restart your Amazon Fire TV Stick using the remote, follow these steps:

  1. Access the device using the remote.
  2. Press and hold the "Back" and "Right" buttons for at least ten seconds.
  3. Press the "Reset" button when a pop-up message appears on the screen.

Using Fire Stick without Remote

To use the Fire Stick without the remote, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Fire TV application on your mobile device.
  2. Select any device on the screen.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Use the keyboard and on-screen menu options to control the selected Fire TV device.

Resetting TV Cable

To reset your TV cable, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the power of the stick and reconnect it immediately.
  2. Press and hold the OK button (encircled in red "MI") and the BACK button simultaneously until you enter recovery mode.

Restarting Amazon Stick

To restart your Amazon Fire TV Stick, press and hold the center button of the remote and the play button (▶︎ symbol) simultaneously. The device will turn off and restart.

Connecting Fire TV Stick to Phone

To connect a Fire TV Stick to your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that both devices are connected to the same home network.
  2. Open the Fire TV application on your smartphone.
  3. Choose the device to connect to.
  4. Start the connection process.
  5. After completing the procedure, you will see on the screen what is being transmitted on your phone’s display.

Connecting Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi

To connect a Fire TV Stick to Wi-Fi, follow these steps:

  1. Using the remote, navigate down and to the right until you find the "Network" option.
  2. Press the "Select" button in the center.
  3. The Fire Stick will activate the automatic search for available networks within range.
  4. Choose your preferred network.

Connecting Smartphone to Fire TV Stick

To connect your Android phone to the Fire TV Stick, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your Android phone and the Fire TV Stick are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  2. Using the Fire TV remote, go to the menu bar and click on Settings (gear icon) > Sounds & Screen.
  3. Click on "Enable Screen Mirroring."

Restarting Xiaomi Remote

To restart your Xiaomi remote, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the batteries from the remote.
  2. Press and hold the power button of the remote for about three seconds.
  3. Insert new batteries into the remote.
Perché la Fire Stick non si vede più?
Per risolvere i problemi di avvio, riavvia il dispositivo o controlla le connessioni. Altre soluzioni comuni: Riavvia il dispositivo Fire TV.
Come riavviare Fire Stick bloccato?
Come resettare Fire Stick bloccata Nel caso in cui i blocchi dovessero persistere, puoi “resettare Fire Stick bloccata” scollegandola completamente dall'alimentazione e lasciandola raffreddare per qualche ora, dunque prova a utilizzarla di nuovo (magari anche cambiando porta HDMI o cavo di alimentazione usato).
Come capire se la Fire Stick funziona?
Puoi utilizzare lo strumento di verifica dello stato della rete andando su Impostazioni quindi su Rete sul tuo dispositivo. Lo strumento di verifica dello stato della rete ti permette di visualizzare elementi come: Lo stato della connessione di rete, ovvero la connessione tra Fire TV e il router.

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