Cosa fare quando Gmail non funziona?

Perché non mi funziona più la mail?

I motivi possono essere diversi: l'email viene considerata SPAM, è richiesta autenticazione aggiuntiva o è attivo un filtro di reject, oppure la casella del destinatario ha raggiunto il limite massimo di capienza e rifiuta automaticamente altri messaggi.
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If your Gmail is slow or not loading correctly, follow the steps below to resolve the problem:

  1. Check Browser Compatibility: Find out if your browser is compatible with Gmail.

  2. Check App or Browser Extensions: Verify if there are any app or browser extensions that may be causing the issue.

  3. Clear Cookies and Browser Cache: Delete the cookies and cache of your browser.

Why aren’t Gmail emails coming through?

Here is a potential rephrasing of the answer:

  1. Access the Gmail application and click on "Settings".
  2. Select the account for which you are not receiving emails, if you have multiple accounts.
  3. Make sure you have chosen "Sync Gmail".

Why isn’t Gmail working on Android?

If Gmail is not syncing on your Android device, the automatic sync option for Gmail may not be enabled on your device. Your Gmail application will not sync if it is disabled. To fix this, follow these steps:

  1. Check if the automatic sync option is available on your Android phone or tablet.

How can I restore Gmail?

To restart or reactivate Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. In the user interface, click on "Reactivate" in the top right corner.
  2. If the "Reactivate" option is not available, you will need to wait for up to 24 hours for the limits to be automatically reset.
  3. In the meantime, you can still use Google services.

Why is email not functioning properly?

The most common issues with email are related to the SMTP server, incorrect Zimbra configuration, network errors, or authentication problems.

How can I update Gmail on Android?

Whether you are using iOS or Android, updating Gmail is simple and quick. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Play Store or App Store.
  2. Select the list of installed apps.
  3. Click on "Update" next to Gmail.

How can I restart Gmail on Android?

If the previous steps did not solve the problem, follow this procedure:

  1. Open the Settings program.
  2. Select "Apps and notifications".
  3. Choose Gmail.
  4. Click on "Clear data".
  5. Restart your device.

How can I unblock an email?

To unblock a blocked sender, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Settings" icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select "Blocked Senders".
  3. Choose the sender you want to unblock.
  4. Click on "Delete".

Why can’t I access Alice Mail?

If you are unable to access Alice Mail or TIM Mail and received a notification that your username or password is incorrect, you will need to reset your login data or find the correct combination of username and password.

How can I unblock emails?

To unblock senders and access the settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Mail" in the bottom of the panel.
  2. In the left panel, select "Mail", "Account", and "Block" or "Allow".
  3. Choose the address or domain to unblock from the Blocked Senders list.
Come sbloccare la posta Gmail?
Clicca sull'icona impostazioni situata in alto a destra. Dal menu che si apre sulla parte destra dello schermo, clicca su ''Visualizza tutte le impostazioni''. Ora vai nella sezione ''Filtri e indirizzi bloccati'' Seleziona l'indirizzo email che vuoi sbloccare e premi su ''Sblocca indirizzi selezionati''
Cosa fare se non si ricevono mail su Gmail?
Qui bisogna andare su Impostazioni, fare clic su Vedi tutte le impostazioni e poi selezionare la scheda Filtri e indirizzi bloccati. In questa nuova scheda sarà possibile verificare se il mittente sia tra quelli bloccati o meno e, in caso, sbloccarlo per riattivare la corretta ricezione delle email.
Come si riavvia Gmail?
Apri l'app Impostazioni. del dispositivo.Tocca App e notifiche Informazioni app.Tocca Gmail Spazio di archiviazione.Tocca Cancella dati Ok.Riavvia il dispositivo.

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