Cosa fare per registrare un’associazione?

Cosa serve per registrare una associazione?

modulo n. 69 “Richiesta di registrazione” debitamente compilato,due originali o in alternativa un originale e una fotocopia di atto costitutivo e statuto,ricevuta dell'avvenuto pagamento tramite F24 dell'imposta di registro,imposta di bollo.

Registration of Association

The articles of association and the bylaws of an association can be registered at any office of the Revenue Agency, even if the association’s registered office is located in a different region or province. The registration of private deeds is the process. How can an association be registered? These are the main steps:

  1. Increase the number of founding members. Associations are groups of people who have common interests and aspirations.
  2. Establish a list of objectives.
  3. Define the legal type.
  4. Amendments to the articles of association and bylaws.
  5. Complete the registration.
  6. Registration in the regional registers.

Compensation in Sports Clubs

As for who can receive compensation from a sports club, the administrators of non-profit amateur sports associations can receive compensation. However, Article 90, paragraph 18, explicitly prohibits the distribution of profits, so caution is necessary.

Earnings of a Sports Collaborator

The rephrased answer is as follows: For Level 4, the monthly earnings are €1,243.34. The monthly salary for Level 5 is €1,171.69; Level 6 offers a monthly earnings of €1,105.08; and finally, the monthly earnings for Level 7 is €1,018.60.

Control in an ASD

Like all associations, ASDs are managed by a board of directors composed of at least two directors and the president.

Difference between ASD and SSD

Differences between ASD and SSD:

  1. Ownership: An ASD is an association in which all members have equal rights and there is no owner; an SSD, on the other hand, is a company in which members have different weights (based on the shares paid) and there is no clear ownership.
  2. Who can be an SSD member? What are their rights and responsibilities? Anyone who shares the purposes and ideal goals of the non-profit organization to which they are affiliated, according to the social bylaws, can be considered a member. So who are the members of an SSD? If we can put it this way, the ASD is present in all members and hence the principle of one member, one vote. In the SSD, on the other hand, the shareholders holding the shares are the actual financiers of the company, and their votes have different weights based on the number of shares they own.
  3. What type of company is an SSD? The legal form of sports amateur companies (SSDs) distinguishes them from ASDs: They are, in fact, a particular category of capital companies that carry out non-profit amateur sports activities.
  4. How can an SSD be created? Create an Amateur Sports SSD:
    • Write the articles of association and other requirements for incorporation.
    • Verification by a notary of the formal and substantive legality of the articles of association.
    • Register with the Companies Register.
Quanti soldi ci vogliono per costituire un'associazione?
In questo caso, l'unico costo è per la registrazione dell'atto costitutivo e dello statuto all'Agenzia delle Entrate. Per la registrazione è prevista un'imposta di 200,00 euro, più il corso delle marche da bollo (16,00 euro ogni 4 pagine o 100 righe). Atto costitutivo e statuto vanno consegnati in duplice copia.
Che documenti servono per aprire un'associazione?
Per fondare la tua associazione hai bisogno di fare una “costituzione”, che è formata da due documenti: un “atto costitutivo” e uno “statuto”. Una volta che li avrai preparati potrai recarti all'Agenzia delle Entrate e richiedere l'attribuzione di un Codice Fiscale.
Cosa ci vuole per aprire un'associazione?
L'associazione è un Ente privato senza finalità di lucro, costituita da un gruppo di persone unite per il raggiungimento di un determinato scopo di interesse collettivo e che utilizza le proprie risorse finanziarie per scopi, educativi, religiosi,culturali, sociali, di pubblica utilità.

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