Come Vedere video YouTube solo in italiano?

Come selezionare solo video in italiano su YouTube?

Scorri fino alla sezione "Lingua e località". Seleziona Lingua. Fai clic su Modifica . Scorri fino alla lingua che vuoi selezionare.
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To access the main YouTube page, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the person icon in the top right corner.
  2. Find the "Settings" option in the menu that appears.
  3. On the new screen, click on "Account".
  4. Then, click on "Language".
  5. Check the box next to the language you desire.

How to Change the Language of Subtitles

Subtitles can be selected or modified on any TV, gaming console, or multimedia device that supports YouTube. To change the language of subtitles, follow these steps:

  1. Pause the video playback.
  2. Select "Subtitles".
  3. Choose the language in which you want the subtitles to be displayed.
  4. Select the desired subtitle style.

How to Restore Audio on YouTube

To reactivate the audio on YouTube, follow this method:

  1. In the bottom left corner of the video, you will find the speaker icon.
  2. If the audio is muted, click on the icon to unmute it.

How to Change the Language in a Video

To change the language of a video you have uploaded, follow these steps:

  1. Access YouTube Studio.
  2. Select "Content" from the left menu.
  3. Click on the thumbnail of the video.
  4. Click on "MORE OPTIONS" at the bottom of the page.
  5. Go to the "Video Language" section and click on "Save".

How to Watch Age-Restricted YouTube Videos

To watch an age-restricted video on YouTube without logging in, simply add the letters "nsfw" to the address in the top bar, just before "www" and immediately after "". The video will then open automatically.

How to Change the Language on YouTube TV

For YouTube on TV, follow these steps:

  1. In the YouTube app on your TV, click on "Settings".
  2. Select the section titled "Language & Location".
  3. Choose your language.
  4. Click on "Edit".
  5. Select your language.
  6. Click on "Confirm Change".

How to Add Italian Subtitles to Google Meet

To enable or disable subtitles for Google Meet, follow these steps:

  1. Open the application and click on the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Go to settings.
  3. Find the accessibility option.
  4. Choose your preferred language.
  5. Enable or disable subtitles.

How to Translate a Spanish Video to Italian

To use Google Translate to translate a video from Spanish to Italian, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Google Translate homepage or open the official application on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Select the main language of the video and the target language, which is Italian.

How to Add Italian Subtitles to a Downloaded Video

To add Italian subtitles to a downloaded video, follow these steps:

  1. Go to on your computer.
  2. Click on the video for which you want to add subtitles.
  3. Click on "More".
  4. Click on "Add new subtitles track".
  5. Click on "Select file" and choose a file containing the subtitles or transcript.

How to Reactivate Audio

To restore the audio system, press the volume up button repeatedly (or a combination of keys) or click on the speaker icon and drag the slider that appears from left to right. An on-screen indicator will show the current volume level.

Perché YouTube non traduce in italiano?
Selezionare l'icona delle impostazioni – un piccolo ingranaggio a destra dei sottotitoli – e selezionare “Sottotitoli”. Si aprirà una finestra, andate su “Traduzione automatica” e selezionate la lingua italiana.
Come si fa a tradurre in italiano su YouTube?
Accedi a YouTube Studio.Dal menu a sinistra, seleziona Sottotitoli.Seleziona un video.Se non hai selezionato la lingua per un video, ti verrà richiesto di farlo e di confermare.Seleziona Aggiungi lingua e scegli la lingua verso la quale vuoi tradurre.More items...
Come aprire un canale YouTube in italiano?
Accedi a YouTube da un computer o tramite il sito mobile.Fai clic sulla tua immagine del profilo. Crea un canale.Ti verrà chiesto di creare un canale.Verifica che i dettagli corrispondano a nome e foto del tuo Account Google e conferma la creazione del canale.

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