Come utilizzare il joystick della PS4 su PS3?

To connect the DualShock 4 controller to your PlayStation 3, follow these steps:

  1. Press the "PS" and "Share" buttons on the controller simultaneously while the console is scanning.
  2. Insert the USB cable and select "Wireless Controller" when the LED light turns on.
  3. The PS3 will automatically turn on when the controller is connected.

Charging the DualShock 3 controller

To charge the DualShock 3 controller for PlayStation 3, you have two options:

  1. Connect the smaller end of the USB cable to the controller.
  2. Connect the other end to the USB port on the front of the PS3.
  3. The controller’s LED lights will flash to indicate that the battery is charging.

Connecting PS4 controller wirelessly

To connect the PS4 controller wirelessly without using a cable, follow these steps:

  1. On the PS4 controller you want to connect, press and hold the "Share" button and the "$" button for about 5 seconds.
  2. The Bluetooth devices screen should then display the PS4 controller. Select it to connect.

Updating PlayStation 3 firmware

If your PlayStation 3 has a lower firmware version, follow these steps to update it:

  1. Download the official Sony 3.55 firmware file.
  2. Open a PS3 folder and add another folder called "UPDATE".
  3. Download the file and save it in the "UPDATE" folder.
  4. Connect the USB drive to the PlayStation 3.
  5. Wait for the process to complete after confirming the installation.

Restarting PS4 controller

To reset the PS4 controller, turn it off and press the reset button on the back of the controller for 5 seconds. Then, using a USB cable, connect the controller to the console to access the PS4. Finally, when the console starts functioning, press the PlayStation button.

Connecting PS3 joystick without a cable

To connect the PS3 joystick without a cable, follow these steps:

  1. Find a small hole on the back of the joystick that contains a small button.
  2. Restart the controller and the Bluetooth connection by using a thin and pointed object, such as a needle or the back of a pin.

Using PS3 joystick on a computer

To use the PS3 joystick on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the smaller connector of the USB cable to the communication port of the Sony controller.
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to a USB port on the computer.
  3. Press the "PS" button located in the center of the DualShock 3 to start the controller.
  4. Download and install the MotioninJoy software on your computer to use the PS3 joystick.

Troubleshooting PS4 joystick not working

If the PS4 joystick is not working with the PlayStation, try resetting the controller:

  1. Turn off your PS4.
  2. Insert a pin or needle into the small hole near the L2 button on the controller, while holding down the reset button for a few seconds.
Come collegare il controller alla PS3?
Preparare il dispositivo compatibile con Bluetooth® e il codice d'accesso. ... Selezionare (Impostazioni) >, (Impostazioni degli accessori).Selezionare [Gestisci dispositivi Bluetooth®]. ... Selezionare [Registra nuovo dispositivo]. ... Selezionare [Avvia scansione].
Come accoppiare il joystick PS4?
Abbinare e connettere il controller Assicurati che il controller sia spento. Tieni premuti contemporaneamente il tasto PS e il tasto CREATE (o SHARE) finché la barra luminosa non inizia a lampeggiare. Il controller è ora in modalità di abbinamento e sarà possibile per il dispositivo Apple individuarlo.
Come collegare 3 joystick PS4?
La prima volta che usi un controller o che desideri utilizzare un controller con un altro sistema PS4™, devi associarlo al sistema. Collega il sistema e il controller con un cavo USB quando il sistema è acceso. Per poter utilizzare 2 o più controller, è necessario registrare entrambi separatamente.

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