Come trovare categorie nascoste Netflix?

Come trovare titoli nascosti su Netflix?

Via browser è sufficiente digitare nella stringa degli indirizzi e poi aggiungere il codice ID preferito alla fine dell'URL. Ad esempio sapendo che Storie strappalacrime è correlato al codice 6384 è sufficiente digitale e schiacciare invio.
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To access your favorite hidden categories on Netflix, simply paste the URL into your browser’s address bar and immediately enter the code for your preferred hidden category. This will allow you to access your favorite hidden categories.

How to View All Netflix Categories

To view all Netflix categories, simply add the number of each category to the end of "" and manually access them.

Understanding Netflix’s Content Ratings

On Netflix, the content ratings are as follows:

  • T: Suitable for all viewers
  • 7+: Not suitable for children under 7
  • 12+: Not recommended for children under 12

Finding Netflix Secret Codes

There are several methods to enter Netflix secret codes:

  1. If you are watching Netflix on a smart TV or Amazon Firestick, follow these three steps:
    • Click on the app’s search bar.
    • Copy the code.
    • You’re done!

Watching Netflix Worldwide

To watch Netflix from anywhere in the world and change your country, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to a VPN server located in the desired country, such as Italy.
  2. Visit the Netflix website.
  3. You will be automatically redirected to the chosen Netflix country.
  4. Sign in to Netflix and select what you want to watch.

Accessing Netflix Series

To access Netflix series, follow these steps:

  1. Find this URL: after accessing the Netflix catalog.
  2. Add the string "/genre/" and enter specific numbers, for example,

Modifying Netflix’s Content Rating

To manage your profile and set viewing restrictions for TV shows and movies on Netflix, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Profile settings and Family filter.
  2. Set viewing limitations.
  3. Enter your Netflix password.
  4. Configure the content rating for TV shows and movies you want to allow on that profile.

Getting Netflix USA for Free

One possible solution is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. Using a browser extension like "Unlimited Free VPN – Hola" for Google Chrome is a simple and free solution.

What’s Available on Netflix USA?

Netflix’s exclusive domestic movies include:

  • Universal Soldier: The Return
  • Alexander Revisited: The Final Cut
  • The Yeti Adventures
  • My Fair Lady
  • And many more!

How Does a VPN for Netflix Work?

Here’s a preliminary guide on how to unblock Netflix using a VPN in three simple steps:

  1. Purchase a VPN. I primarily recommend ExpressVPN.
  2. Connect to a server. Select a server from your country’s Netflix catalog to access.
  3. Enjoy the movie! Watch your favorite movies and TV shows by accessing Netflix.
Come trovare tutte le categorie di Netflix?
Ma come fare a trovare queste categorie? Accedendo da browser basta seguire l'indirizzo e sostituire INSERTNUMBER fine con il codice della categoria desiderata.
Come accedere al menù segreto di Netflix?
Collegatevi al vostro account Netflix utilizzando un browser web. Inserire questo URL: https: // Dopo l'ultima barra, inserire il codice della categoria di contenuti che si desidera visualizzare. Ad esempio, se si desidera vedere tutti i film d'azione e d'avventura, il codice è 1365.
Come vedere film vietati su Netflix?
Apri l'app Netflix.Tocca Il mio Netflix in basso a destra.Tocca Menu in alto a destra.Tocca Gestisci i profili .Scegli il profilo da modificare.Tocca Limitazioni di visualizzazione .Tocca Blocca titoli .More items...

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