Come trasferire dati da iPhone a iPhone senza backup?

Come passare i dati da un iPhone all'altro senza backup?

Non occorre operare manualmente, lo spostamento di dati avviene in automatico quando i due dispositivi saranno vicini. Basta semplicemente connettersi ad una rete Wi-Fi, attivare il Bluetooth e premere continua sul pulsante relativo al messaggio “Configura il nuovo iPhone” che comparirà sullo schermo.
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To access the new model of iPhone, insert the code of your current iPhone. Configure your new iPhone using the Touch ID or the Face ID. To transfer all the data from the old iPhone to the new one, click on "Trasferisci da iPhone". You can also transfer settings such as Siri and Apple Pay.

To modify the iPhone without compromising the data, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Impostazioni menu of the iPhone.
  2. Access iCloud and choose Backup iCloud di iOS.
  3. To create a new backup of the phone on iCloud, click on the "Esegui il backup adesso" button.
  4. Restore the desired iPhone to factory settings if it is already activated.

To recover the iPhone data without losing it, go to the iOS settings and choose the device restore option. The operating system will return to factory settings in no time, deleting all the data and apps on the smartphone.

To transfer contacts from iPhone to Samsung, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Gmail account on your Apple smartphone and activate contact synchronization with the Google account.
  2. Set up the same Gmail account on the Android device where you want to save the contacts; this will also work for making backups of Android.

In this context, how can WhatsApp be transferred from an iPhone to a Samsung? Transferring WhatsApp chats from iPhone to Android is as easy as this:

  1. Make sure to open WhatsApp on your iPhone.
  2. Go to Impostazioni and choose Chat.
  3. On Android, choose "Sposta le chat".

To transfer data from iPhone to Samsung using your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your iPod to the PC and save all the data on iTunes.
  2. Download and install Smart Switch on your PC.
  3. Launch Smart Switch after connecting your Samsung device to your PC.
  4. Now, on Smart Switch, click on the "Ripristina" button.

Additionally, you may ask: How can I use the Samsung cloud?

  • Tap the Impostazioni section of your Samsung smartphone.
  • Choose Cloud e account.
  • At the top, you will find what you need inside: Samsung Cloud Computing.
  • You can enter and get started by tapping on the option.

How can I access the Samsung cloud?

  • Access the Galaxy settings.
  • To do so, swipe down from the top of the screen to access the notification panel.
  • Then, tap on the gear icon.
  • Choose Account e cloud.

What happens next in Samsung Gallery?
Samsung will start saying goodbye to Galleria and Drive for Archivio on October 5th as part of the partnership with the company, which will end the service on August 1st, 2021. Samsung will provide the opportunity to migrate data stored in the cloud to OneDrive.

How can I find my Apple ID and password?
By following these steps, you can find your Apple ID and password:

  • To access the Apple menu, select Preferenze di Sistema.
  • Next, click on ID Apple and then on Sicurezza e password.
  • If you are asked for your Apple ID password, click on "Hai dimenticato l’ID Apple o la password?" and follow the instructions on the screen.
Come passare tutti i dati su un altro telefono iPhone?
Connetti il dispositivo al Wi-Fi o alla rete cellulare del dispositivo. È possibile che ti venga chiesto di attivare il servizio cellulare. Configura Face ID o Touch ID. Scegli come vuoi trasferire i dati.
Come passare tutte le app da iPhone a iPhone?
Passaggio 1. Seleziona le app sul vecchio iPhone che vuoi inviare al nuovo iPhone e premi il pulsante "Condividi", quindi scegli l'iPhone di destinazione. Passaggio 2. Sul tuo nuovo iPhone, tocca "Accetta" per permette ad Airdrop di trasferire le app selezionate dal vecchio al nuovo iPhone.
Cosa fare prima di passare ad un nuovo iPhone?
Se hai abbinato un Apple Watch al tuo iPhone, annulla l'abbinamento.Esegui il backup del dispositivo.Se hai acquistato un piano AppleCare per il dispositivo, annulla il tuo piano AppleCare.Esci da iCloud, da iTunes Store e da App Store.More items...

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