Come togliere il suggerimento parole su iPhone?

Come eliminare parole suggerite da iPhone?

In alternativa, vai su Impostazioni >, Generali >, Tastiera, poi attiva o disattiva l'opzione Suggerimenti predittivi.
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To remove SMS suggestions from your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Access the settings of your iPhone.
  2. Select "General" on the next screen.
  3. Choose "Keyboard".
  4. Disable the "Predictive Suggestions" option.

To remove your activities on Google, you can visit the page on your Android phone or tablet. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on "All your activities" to view them.
  2. Select the activities you want to remove.
  3. Click on "Delete" to complete the deletion process.

To automatically clear the cache, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on the vertical three-dot button.
  2. Select "Settings" and then "Privacy".
  3. Enable the option "Delete personal data on exit".
  4. Click on "Set" and close the settings.

To automatically clear the history in Google Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Options button in the menu.
  2. Find the "Extras" section in the new window.
  3. Check the box next to "Delete personal data".
  4. Done!

To remove your personal reputation from Google, you can submit a request to the website owner, specifying the exact link of the webpage that needs to be removed.

To disable unwanted search engines, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Start button in the Windows taskbar.
  2. Choose "Control Panel" and then "Uninstall a program".

Google provides trending searches to give an idea of what people in Italy are currently searching for. It is an extension of Google Trends, reaching a wider audience.

To delete keyboard suggestions, follow these steps:

  1. Open an Android application that allows typing, such as Gmail or Keep.
  2. Choose a text input field.
  3. Tap on the function menu icon at the top of the keyboard.
  4. In the menu that appears, select "Settings".
  5. Scroll down and find the "Text Correction" option.
  6. Adjust the keyboard suggestion settings according to your preferences.

To remove recommendations from the Samsung keyboard, follow these steps:

  1. Use the menu (…) of the keyboard.
  2. Press on "Settings".
  3. Tap on "Typing".
  4. Turn off the switches next to "Auto-correction" and "Quick-type".

To disable writing suggestions, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Google Admin Console.
  2. Click on "Google Workspace Drive and Docs" in the admin console homepage.
  3. In the "Smart Compose" section, choose to disallow users from viewing writing suggestions.
Come rimuovere le parole suggerite?
Se vedi la parola che ti interessa, toccala.Se una parola suggerita non ti è utile, toccala e tieni premuto, quindi trascinala fino al Cestino. .
Come eliminare i suggerimenti da iPhone?
I suggerimenti di Siri sono attivati di default per le app. Puoi disattivarli o modificarne le impostazioni in qualsiasi momento. Vai in Impostazioni >, Siri e ricerca, scorri verso il basso quindi seleziona un'app. Attiva o disattiva le impostazioni.
Come cancellare cronologia parole tastiera iPhone?
Vai in Impostazioni >, Generali >, Trasferisci o inizializza iPhone. Tocca Ripristina, quindi tocca “Ripristina dizionario tastiera”. Tutte le parole e le abbreviazioni personalizzate vengono eliminate e il dizionario della tastiera ritorna allo stato di default.

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