Come si usa lo Smart Switch?

Come trasferire i dati con Smart Switch?

Apri l'app Smart Switch sul nuovo telefono Galaxy.Clicca Accetto.Poi clicca Consenti.Seleziona Recevi dati.Scegli iPhone/iPad.Puoi collegare i telefoni con un cavo o trasferire i dati da iCloud.Scegli i file da spostare.Clicca Importa.More items...
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To make it work best, you need to:

  1. Install the application on your smartphone.
  2. Launch the program and click on "Accept" and "OK".
  3. Choose the mode to transfer your data: via microUSB cable, wireless, or through external memory (the second one is the most effective).

How do smart switches work for file transfer?

Transport via Smart Switch:

  1. Open the app on the smartphone from which you want to send files with Smart Switch.
  2. Select "Send" and then choose "Wireless".
  3. If you see a PIN, keep in mind that it is necessary for the new device.
  4. Finally, at the bottom, press the "Connect" button.

How can I transfer data from my Samsung Galaxy to my PC?

Transferring data from a Samsung Galaxy to a PC is as easy as this:

  1. Unlock the phone.
  2. Connect the phone to the computer using a USB cable.
  3. Tap the message "Device charging via USB" on the phone.
  4. Select "File transfer" in the "Use USB connection" section.

How can I recover my Samsung phone information?

You can set up your Samsung phone to automatically back up files to save data.

  1. Open the phone’s Settings application.
  2. Find Google and click on Backup.
  3. Select "Back up".

How can I transfer WhatsApp conversations to another mobile device?

If both devices are Android, it is very simple to transfer WhatsApp conversations to another phone. Follow these steps:

  1. Check that the backup copy has been completed correctly.
  2. Install the WhatsApp application on the newly purchased phone.
  3. Install the new SIM card.
  4. Restore the synchronization of your Google Drive profile on the new device.

How can I connect my mobile phone to my computer?

A USB cable and a smartphone with internet access are required to connect the mobile phone to the PC. Tethering allows you to use the smartphone’s data connection on your desktop or laptop computer.

Where are the smart switch backups located?

The Smart Switch backups are located inside the SmartSwitch folder, not in the User Documents folder. The appropriate path is %userprofile%documentsSamsungSmartSwitch, where %userprofile% is a Windows environment variable.

How do you send files via Bluetooth?

The method to send a file via Bluetooth is as follows:

  1. Assume that the GPS and Bluetooth features are active on the phone.
  2. Open the Settings app.
  3. Select Google, then Devices and sharing, and choose Nearby sharing.
  4. Check if it is turned on (On) or off (Off).

Does everything get deleted when making a backup?

Here are some examples to show how useful a backup is: If an important file is accidentally deleted or if the device with the data is lost or stolen, the saved files would not be lost forever because they are safe in a backup copy.

What happens if you don’t backup?

Not backing up your data is a significant problem. You may no longer be able to access important files or information for you or your business if you do not make a backup. Consider the possibility of a ransomware attack.

Come si usa l'applicazione Smart Switch?
Apri Smart Switch sullo smartphone dal quale vuoi trasferire i dati.Premi su Invia.Seleziona Senza Cavi.Se compare un PIN segnatelo, dovrà essere inserito sul tuo nuovo dispositivo.Premi sul pulsante “Connetti” che puoi trovare in basso.More items...
Cosa non si trasferisce con Smart Switch?
Sebbene Smart Switch supporti tantissimi tipi di dati, ci sono alcuni tipi di contenuti che non supporta. Ad esempio, non può trasferire dati di app, file multimediali protetti da DRM o informazioni relative ad account di terze parti.

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