Come si smonta il controller della Xbox One?

Come aprire Xbox controller?

C'è una vite nascosta posizionata al centro del controller, dietro all'etichetta. Usa un cacciavite e fai un foro al centro dell'etichetta. C'è la possibilità di sollevare l'etichetta se non si vuole forarla. Rimuovi le cinque viti da 10 mm poste sul retro del controller usando il cacciavite Torx Security T8.
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To open the Xbox One controller, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all batteries, including the battery cover.
  2. Remove the plastic grip.
  3. Remove all five Torx screws.
  4. Remove the back cover from the controller.
  5. Separate the internals from the front shell.

To open the Xbox joystick, rotate the Xbox controller onto its backside. Gently pry between the gap that separates the back shell and the two grip plates using a plastic spudger or a flathead screwdriver.

The cost of repairing the device is as follows:

  • LB Joypad Repair for Xbox One – €30.00
  • Replacement of Elite Analog Joypad for Xbox One – €35.00
  • Replacement of Analog Board for Xbox One Joypad – €35.00
  • Repair of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Board for Xbox One Joypad – €35.00

The prices for repairing an Xbox One joystick are listed in the following table:

Repair Type Cost
LB Joypad Repair for Xbox One €30.00
Replacement of Elite Analog Joypad €35.00
Replacement of Analog Board for Joypad €35.00
Repair of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Board €35.00

To remove the Xbox 360 controller, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the battery from the controller.
  2. Unscrew the seven screws that join the front and back of the joypad using a Torx-8H screwdriver. Note that one of the screws is hidden under the adhesive that contains the controller’s serial number.

To clean the Xbox One S, remove the top cover of the plastic shell and wipe both the inside and outside with a cloth. Most of the dust accumulates on the ventilation grilles, especially the large black grille near the fan.

To adjust the Xbox One controller calibration, right-click on the controller and select "Game Controller Settings." Make sure to select the correct controller and click on "Properties." Go to the "Settings" tab in the new window and choose "Calibrate."

If the Xbox 360 controller continues to not work properly, it will need to be replaced. The Support and Device Repair page offers the option to purchase a replacement Xbox 360 controller. Console registration is required to replace a controller under warranty.

To open the PS4 controller, first, check the four screws on the back. Once done, hold the controller firmly with one hand and unscrew the screws with a 6mm screwdriver with the other hand. Additionally, you should be aware of the necessary equipment to access the PlayStation 4: a crosshead screwdriver with a 3mm tip and a T8 or T9 screwdriver.

The Xbox controller has a warranty of 1 year from the manufacturer and 1 year from the seller. The customer is also required to report the defect within 60 days, which gives them the opportunity to obtain an additional month of warranty.

Come pulire un controller Xbox One?
Consigli generali per la pulizia Usa un panno morbido privo di lanugine (la microfibra va benissimo) inumidito con acqua e sapone neutro, o salviette disinfettanti umidificate.
Come fare se il controller Xbox non funziona?
Spegni il controller tenendo premuto il pulsante Xbox  per 6 secondi.Premi di nuovo il pulsante Xbox  per riaccendere il controller.Connetti il controller al PC usando un cavo USB o l'adattatore wireless Xbox per Windows.

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