Come attivare e disattivare AdBlock?
To begin, you need to find the Ad-block extension icon. Then, choose the option "Block an ad on this page" or right-click on the annoying advertisement banner and block it. Now, locate the "AdBlock" option in the menu.
What are Browser Settings?
Controlling browser settings means managing the preferences of your web browser. Chrome, for example, automatically checks if any changes have been made to the settings to ensure your privacy. If any suspicious changes are detected, Chrome will restore the original settings. These settings may include the configured search engine.
Finding the Browser
To find the browser on your computer, you can safely search among the installed programs. Follow these steps:
- Click on the Start button in Windows.
- Type the name of the browser, such as Chrome, in the search bar.
Changing the Mobile Browser
If you want to change the browser on your mobile device, follow these steps:
- If the first procedure didn’t work, try the second one.
- Open "Settings" on your mobile device.
- Go to "Applications" and select "Advanced" at the bottom left.
- Choose "Default Applications" and select "Internet" as the default browser.
- Set your preferred browser as the default.
Configuring Chrome as the Default Browser
To set Chrome as the default web browser on your Android device, follow these steps:
- Find the Google settings in one of the following locations, depending on your device:
- Select the device’s Settings application.
- Choose Google by scrolling down.
- Click on the app.
- View the default applications and select "Settings".
- Press "Chrome".
Setting the Default Browser on Windows 10
To change the default browser in Windows 10, follow these steps:
- Select the Start button and type "Default Apps".
- Select "Default Apps" in the search results.
- Choose the currently displayed web browser and select Microsoft Edge or another browser.
Configuring Chrome as the Preferred Browser on Windows 10
To configure Chrome as the preferred web browser on Windows 10, follow these steps:
- On the bottom left of the screen, select the Windows icon or press the Windows key.
- Choose "Settings".
- Once the Settings screen is open, select "Apps" and then "Default Apps".
Accessing Downloads
To open the downloaded files in Chrome, follow these steps:
- Open Chrome on your computer to view the list of downloaded files.
- Click on "More" at the top right.
- Select "Downloads".
- To open a file, click on its name. The file will be opened by the default application on your computer.
- Click "Remove" to remove a download from the history.
Accessing Downloads on Mobile
On mobile devices, the download folder is typically named "File", "My Files", or "File Manager" and is usually found in the app drawer. The specific name may vary depending on the device. If you see an application called "Download" or "Download Manager" in the app drawer, you can immediately access the downloaded files. Otherwise, select the appropriate app to view all the downloads.