Come si fa a tradurre un messaggio da WhatsApp?

Come mettere la traduzione automatica su WhatsApp?

Ti basta installare la tastiera per smartphone di Google, la famosa Gboard, sicuramente la migliore tastiera in circolazione. Mentre sei in chat clicca sui tre puntini accanto alla barra spaziatrice, usciranno diverse opzioni tra cui "Theme", "Text Editing", Share Gboard" e altri. Tu devi selezionare "Translate".
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WhatsApp Translation using Google Translate

To translate WhatsApp messages in other languages, you can use Google Translate. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Download the Google Translate application.
  2. Click on the three dots.
  3. Go to settings and choose "click to translate" to enable the translation function.

To translate WhatsApp messages on your Android smartphone, follow these steps:

  1. Update the Google Translate application to the latest version.
  2. Open the application and choose "Tap to translate".
  3. Follow the path "Settings > Tap to translate".

Installing Google Translate on your mobile phone

To install the translator on your mobile phone, use the Google Translate application. It is easy to use and available for download on the Playstore. The application weighs 21.87 MB and can be used for manual writing, text translations, photo translations, and voice content translations.

Translating a document from English to Italian using Google Translate

To translate a document from English to Italian using Google Translate, follow these steps:

  1. Open a file in Google Docs on your PC.
  2. Click on "Tools" in the top menu.
  3. Select "Translate document".
  4. Choose the language and give a name to the translated document.
  5. Select "Translator".
  6. A window will open showing a translated copy of the document.

Translating a webpage on Safari

To translate a webpage on Safari for Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the desired webpage.
  2. The Smart Search Field will show the "Translate" button if the page can be translated.
  3. Click on the Translate button and select the language to use.

Translating a webpage on Safari

To translate a webpage on Safari, follow these steps:

  1. In the address bar, select the "aA" button.
  2. Choose the preferred translation option.
  3. If prompted to enable translation, confirm the operation.
  4. Repeat the process to switch back to the original language.

Translating applications on iOS and Android

To translate text in other apps on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the text on your iPhone.
  2. Go to the Home screen.
  3. Force press the Google Translate application.
  4. Swipe on "Paste and translate" → "Language" and release.

To translate applications on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Translate application after downloading and installing it.
  2. Select the "Tap to translate" function.
  3. You can immediately use the translator with other installed apps on your smartphone after enabling the function.

Translating games on Android

To translate games into Italian on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Use Google Play to install the language navigation.
  2. Activate the Language Navigation.
  3. Choose the application to translate.
  4. Select the starting language.
  5. Choose the language used to translate the application.
  6. Optionally, enable the Enable OCR function, which can be useful for game translations.

Troubleshooting Google Translate

If Google Translate is not working, follow these steps:

  1. On the left side of the Settings panel, select the Advanced section.
  2. Go to Languages.
  3. Click on "Language" on the right side of the window to view additional options.
  4. Enable the option next to "Offer to translate pages that are not in a language you read".

Changing the language of Facebook on iPhone

To change the language settings of Facebook from English to Italian on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Access the device settings on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and select "Settings & Privacy".
  3. Choose "Language of the App".

Adding Google Translate icon to your desktop

To add the Google Translate icon to your desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Open the window and position the mouse cursor on the Google icon.
  2. Left-click and hold the mouse button on the icon.
  3. Drag the icon to the Desktop and release the left mouse button.

Enabling automatic translation on Chrome

To enable automatic translation on Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome on your device.
  2. Click on "More" in the top-right corner and go to Settings.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click on Advanced.
  4. In the "Languages" section, click on "Language".
  5. Select or deselect the option "Offer to translate pages in languages that you don’t know".
Come tradurre un messaggio ricevuto in WhatsApp?
Aprite una conversazione e individuate il messaggio da tradurre. Eseguite un tap prolungato sul messaggio e premete "Copia". Fate click sull'icona di Google Traduttore per visualizzare immediatamente una traduzione automatica del messaggio.
Come faccio a tradurre un messaggio?
Apri l'app Traduttore. sul telefono o tablet Android.Scegli le lingue di origine e di destinazione. Da: seleziona una lingua in basso a sinistra. ... Tocca Parla . ... Dopo aver sentito l'app dire "Parla ora", pronuncia il testo che vuoi tradurre.
Come si fa a tradurre su WhatsApp con iPhone?
Apri l'app Fotocamera , quindi posiziona iPhone in modo che il testo venga inquadrato. Seleziona il testo che desideri tradurre, quindi tocca Traduci. per visualizzare le altre opzioni.

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