Come si fa a scaricare Smart Notebook?

Dove si scarica il software Smart Notebook?

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To download the SMART Notebook 11 software for Windows, visit After reading the note for the SMART Notebook 11 software for Windows, click on Scarica.

How can I subsequently update my smart notebook? To manually update SMART Notebook, open the Centro attività, select the Guida/Assistenza tab, and then press Ricerca aggiornamenti.

In addition, you might ask: What is the purpose of the desktop icon for the smart notebook? It is useful for quickly accessing frequently used functions of the SMART Notebook software and SMART product drivers. The icon can be found in the mobile toolbar.

How do you define a Smart Notebook? In interactive whiteboards and interactive pen displays, SMART Notebook allows you to perform normal computer operations by touching the screen with your finger or using a pen on the console.

Furthermore, you might ask: What is the purpose of the dropdown menu? The screen can be found using the dropdown menu. It can help you gradually reveal information on the screen.

As a result, how can the smart notebook software activate the pen? The SMART Notebook software is necessary to use the SMART touch pen input tool. In the notification area, press the SMART Board icon. Then, select "Mostra strumento input penna tattile SMART".

How do you update a smart media system? Don’t worry about starting your smart multimedia system. Insert the update file and USB key into the USB port of your smart. The system recognizes the USB key containing the update file. The system restarts after confirming the update.

Next, when is an object selected in the smart notebook? An object in SMART Notebook also includes handwritten text. You can link multimedia files by clicking on the object in the dropdown menu at the top right. Then, depending on the type of attachment, a different icon will appear in the bottom left.

When using the Smart Notebook software, what does object grouping mean? Automatic groups.

When you draw or write on an interactive screen, SMART Notebook automatically groups the objects created nearby. This allows you to interact with the aforementioned objects as if they were a single object.

What do creative pens offer in smart notebook compared to this? Draw a line of rainbow colors, smiley faces, stars, and other elements with the Creative Pen tool.

Come si attiva un smart Notebook?
Individuare il numero di serie del prodotto hardware SMART. Nota. ... Andare a le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per registrare il prodotto hardware SMART.
Cos'è un Notebook smart?
SMART Notebook consente di eseguire normale operazioni al computer premendo sullo schermo con il dito (nelle lavagne interattive) o una penna fissata alla console (negli schermi interattivi con penna).
Cosa consente di fare il software smart Notebook?
Nel software SMART Notebook, è possibile creare file . notebook che comprendono grafica, testo, tabelle, linee, forme, animazioni e altro ancora.

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