Come si disattivano i comandi vocali?

Come disattivare i comandi vocali?

Sullo smartphone o tablet Android, di' "Hey Google, apri le impostazioni dell'assistente".Nella sezione "Tutte le impostazioni", tocca Schermata di blocco.Attiva o disattiva l'opzione Consenti l'assistente nella schermata di blocco.
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To disable Google Assistant, follow these steps:

  1. Select Settings and choose Google Assistant.
  2. In the opened screen, select the Assistant tab.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the name of the device you are using, for example, your phone.
  4. Move the toggle switch next to the Google Assistant option to OFF.

To disable TalkBack on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Settings application on your device.
  2. Go to Accessibility, then to TalkBack, and then to Disable TalkBack.

To unlock the phone using TalkBack, follow these steps:

  1. Option One: Open the device settings using the device settings on the device.
  2. Choose the TalkBack accessibility option.
  3. Enable or disable the Use TalkBack option.

To disable TalkBack on Huawei, follow these steps:

  1. Select the View option and double-tap.
  2. Double-tap on the TalkBack option.
  3. Locate the switch at the top right and double-tap to turn it OFF.

If you have activated this menu by mistake and want to disable it, you can do so using the following path:

  1. Go to SettingsAdditional SettingsAccessibilityAccessibility Menu.
  2. The icon that was previously in the navigation bar will also disappear once this menu is disabled.


  1. In the top left corner of the HUAWEI Assistant screen, select the profile picture icon.
  2. Then, choose Feed to enable or disable it.

To disable Google Assistant on Huawei through your smartphone:

  1. Launch the Google application.
  2. Tap on More and then on Settings.
  3. Interact with Google Assistant.
  4. Transfer to the Assistant section.
  5. Scroll down to recognize the Phone voice.
  6. Take the Phone voice.
  7. Close Google Assistant on the displayed screen.

To restart Google Home Mini:

  1. At the bottom, under the power cable of Home Mini, press and hold the Factory Data Reset button. It is a circle engraved on the base.
  2. After 5 seconds, the device will start recovering the factory data.

After connecting the smart plug to the Google Home app, access the home screen. Locate the smart plug and press the OFF button to turn off the connected devices, which in turn will turn off your Google Home Mini.

To disable Nest Hub:

  1. Select Home Control: Scroll down from the top of the screen.
  2. Enter Digital Frame: Swipe right on the home screen.
  3. Turn Off the screen: to darken the "Hey Google" screen.
  4. Then, select Turn Off or Disable.
Come disattivare i comandi vocali su iPhone?
Apri l'app Impostazioni sull'iPhone o sull'iPad.Tocca Notifiche. Voice.Attiva o disattiva le impostazioni di notifica da modificare.
Come disabilitare la dettatura vocale?
Sul telefono o tablet, apri un'app che ti permetta di digitare, come Messaggi o Gmail.Tocca un punto in cui puoi inserire testo.Nella parte superiore della tastiera, tocca Impostazioni. Digitazione vocale.Attiva o disattiva Digitazione vocale dell'assistente.
Come disattivare Voice over tasti?
Attiva Siri e prova a dire: “Attiva VoiceOver” o “Disattiva VoiceOver”. Premi tre volte il tasto Home. Utilizza Centro di Controllo. Vai in Impostazioni >, Accessibilità >, VoiceOver, quindi attiva o disattiva l'opzione.

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