Come segnalare un problema ad Apple?

Come fare una segnalazione alla Apple?

Come Apple gestisce le segnalazioni In alternativa, puoi inviarci la tua ricerca via email all'indirizzo [email protected].
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To request a refund on Apple, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Select or click on "I would like to".
  3. Choose "Request a refund".
  4. After selecting the reason for your refund, choose "Continue".
  5. Select an application, subscription, or something else, then choose "Submit".

Apple Support Cost

Apple phone support is available by calling the toll-free number 800 915 904 directly from your smartphone or landline phone. You will not be charged for calling this number from Italy.

How to Contact iCloud Support

To contact Apple customer service for iCloud and other services, simply call 800 915 904. This is a toll-free number that is completely free. Contact this number for any assistance you need.

How to Check All Received Emails

If you are using the Google account panel on Windows, you can use the Ctrl+F or cmd+f shortcut on macOS. Type the "@" symbol to display all the email addresses you have saved while accessing websites.

How to Access My iCloud Account

Here is how you can access your iCloud account:

  1. Open the Gmail application.
  2. Click on the Account button in the top right corner.
  3. Click on "Add another account" at the bottom.
  4. Choose "Other".
  5. Sync emails on Android in iCloud.

Why Are Emails Still in Outbox?

Emails may be stuck in the Outbox folder due to internet connectivity issues or manual errors that prevented the email client from connecting to the mail server. The messages will be sent successfully once the connection is restored.

How to Send Outgoing Mail Considering This?

To delete a stuck email, click on SEND/RECEIVE and choose "Offline".

  • Select Outbox in the navigation pane.
  • The following operations are allowed in this folder:

How to Restore Removed Apps on iPhone Home Screen

To restore a built-in app that you have removed, access the App Store from your iOS device.

  • Search for the app by entering its exact name.
  • Tap to restore the application.
  • Wait for the app to be restored and then open it from the Home screen.

How to Bring Back an Application to the Home Screen Considering This?

To restore the Home screen, follow these steps:

  • Select the menu and then choose "Reset Home Screen".
  • In the displayed message, press the "OK" option.

How to Restore Apps on Home Screen Considering This?

There are two methods to restore icons on the Home screen:

  1. In the first case, to regain the app icon on the Home screen, access the App Library, long tap on the desired icon, and select "Add to Home" from the menu that appears, or drag it directly to the Home screen.
Come contattare la Apple per problemi?
Per modificare un ordine, tracciare una spedizione o fare un reso, o per aggiornare i dati del tuo account, vai alla pagina “Stato dell'ordine”. Per qualsiasi altra domanda, contatta il Servizio clienti Apple Store al numero 800 554 533. Il servizio è attivo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 09:00 alle 18:00.
Come inviare un reclamo ad Apple?
Esegui l'accesso a Tocca o fai clic su “Vorrei”, poi scegli “Richiedere un rimborso”. Scegli il motivo per cui desideri un rimborso, poi scegli Avanti. Scegli l'app, l'abbonamento o un altro elemento, poi scegli Invia.

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