Come scaricare ultima versione iTunes su PC?

Come faccio ad aggiornare iTunes sul PC?

Nell'app iTunes sul PC, fai clic sul pulsante Dispositivo vicino alla parte superiore sinistra della finestra di iTunes. Fai clic su Riepilogo. Fai clic su “Verifica aggiornamenti”. Per installare un aggiornamento disponibile, fai clic su Aggiorna.
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If you have downloaded iTunes from the Apple website, you can open it by following these steps:

  1. Open iTunes.
  2. In the top of the iTunes window, in the menu bar, choose Help, and then Check for Updates.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version.

To start iTunes, access the application on your computer and select the Account menu. Then, enter your password and Apple ID to log in, and click Next.

Connecting iPhone to iTunes

Here’s how to properly connect your iPhone to iTunes:

  1. Connect your iPhone to the computer.
  2. On your PC, click the Device button located at the top left of the iTunes window.
  3. Choose Summary.
  4. Select Sync with this device over Wi-Fi.
  5. Click Apply.

Latest Version of iTunes for Windows

The latest version of iTunes for Windows is iTunes 12.11.4, released in 2021.

iTunes Version for Windows 7

iTunes 12.4.3 can be downloaded for Windows (64-bit, for newer video cards). Only Windows 7 and later 64-bit versions support this iTunes installer. Older and low-end video cards may not support iTunes video playback requirements.

Accessing iTunes on PC

To access iTunes on your PC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the iTunes app on your Windows or Mac computer.
  2. In the iTunes menu bar, select Store.
  3. Click Sign In.
  4. Enter your password and Apple ID.

Using iTunes to Unlock a Disabled iPhone

An official method to resolve a disabled iPhone error is to follow the instructions in the message: use iTunes. Here’s how:

  1. Open iTunes on your computer.
  2. Connect the iPhone to the computer.
  3. Start the iPhone in recovery mode.
  4. Restore the iPhone in iTunes.

Updating iPhone from Windows PC

To update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iTunes on your Windows PC, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the device to the computer.
  2. In the iTunes program on the PC, click the Device button near the top left of the iTunes window.
  3. Click Summary.
  4. Choose Check for Updates.

How iTunes Works on PC

Here’s how iTunes works on PC:

  • Organize and play videos and music.
  • Play or download unlimited songs with Apple Music (subscription required).
  • iTunes Store offers a wide range of content, including music, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, free podcasts, and more.
  • Set up and transfer music, videos, and other data to iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

Downloading iTunes on Windows 8

To download iTunes on Windows 8, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Apple website.
  2. Select Windows under the Microsoft Store button.
  3. Click Download iTunes for Windows.

Now you should be able to download, install, and use iTunes on your Windows computer.

Come si chiama il nuovo iTunes?
Qualcosa del genere è avvenuta ora anche per Windows. Apple, infatti, ha deciso di dismettere iTunes (ancora disponibile per qualche tempo) rimpiazzandolo con tre nuove app: Apple Music, Apple TV e Dispositivi Apple.
Come reinstallare iTunes su PC?
In questo caso, non devi far altro che scaricare l'installer di iTunes dal sito Internet di Apple e "sovrascrivere" la versione di iTunes già presente sul computer. Collegati, dunque, al sito Internet di Apple e clicca sul pulsante blu Download per scaricare l'ultima versione "standalone" di iTunes (la 12.8.
Perché non riesco a scaricare iTunes?
Se non riesci a scaricare iTunes dal sito di Apple, potrebbe darsi che uno dei software per la sicurezza che hai utilizzato abbia modificato il file hosts aggiungendo ad esso delle stringhe che impediscono il corretto funzionamento del sito del colosso di Cupertino.

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