Come mettere le foto direttamente sulla scheda SD?
- Select the "Camera" app.
- Tap the three lines to access the camera options.
- Select "Settings".
- Make sure the "Save to SD card" option is selected.
To transfer photos from your phone to an SD card, follow these steps:
- Choose the folder containing the images, such as "Gallery" or "Photos".
- Select the photos you want to transfer to the SD card.
- Choose the option to copy or move the photos.
- Select the folder on the SD card where you want to save the photos.
To make the SD card the main memory, follow these steps:
- Click on "Configure".
- You may be prompted to use the SD card as the main memory or for portable storage.
- Choose the first option and proceed with formatting, which is usually required when using the card for the first time.
To copy photos to an SD card on a Samsung device, follow these steps:
- Open the Samsung Gallery application.
- Select the photos you want to transfer from the phone to the SD card.
- Tap "More options" and select "Move to album" from the menu.
- Choose the SD card as the destination folder from the pop-up menu.
To download apps directly to the SD card, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Settings menu and find the "App Management" option.
- Click on the application you want to move to the SD card from the list of your applications.
- Click on "Storage" and then click on the "Change" button.
- You have two options: internal memory or SD card.
The easiest method to save WhatsApp images and videos to the SD card is by using an application called "Photo & File Redirect". This application can be downloaded directly from the Google Play Store to your smartphone.
To copy photos to an SD card on a Samsung J7, follow these steps:
- When using the default Android Camera application, press the ☰ button at the top left.
- Select "Storage" from the panel that appears on the screen.
- Choose the "microSD/SD Card/SD Card" option.
To access the SD card on an Android device, follow these steps:
- Open the Android Settings, which can be found on the gear icon on the home screen or in the app drawer.
- Click on "Advanced Settings" and select the name of your microSD card from the menu that opens.
To set the Samsung J5 SD card as the default memory, follow these steps:
- Open the settings (Android) and select "Memory" (or "Device Maintenance" > "Storage").
- Choose an SD card.
- Click on the three dots at the top right of the menu and select "Migrate data".
- The data will now be transferred to the SD card.
To install programs on a Samsung SD card, follow these steps:
- Go to the device’s Settings application.
- You can configure the SD card installed on the device as part of the internal memory, similar to Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).
- This allows you to directly install applications downloaded from the Play Store onto the SD card.
To set the SD card as the default storage, follow these steps:
- Go to the settings menu and select "Settings".
- Choose "Storage" and then go to "Storage settings".
- Select "Format as internal storage".
- Transfer the files from the SD card to the phone.
To move archived chats, follow these steps:
- Open the app and go to the "Chat" tab.
- Swipe to the end of the page.
- Archived chats can be found here.
- Long-press the chat you want to restore.
To hide a WhatsApp archive, follow these steps:
- Open WhatsApp and click on the chat you want to hide.
- Access new options using the three dots at the top right, including the "Hide" option.
To chat secretly, select the app icon next to the Space Bar before typing the message. Once pressed, generic messages will replace your writings.