Come ruotare un video con VLC e salvarlo?

Come ruotare un video con VLC Media Player?

Con VLC Media Player Fate clic sulla scheda “Strumenti” e selezionate “Effetti e filtri”. In “Effetti video” e infine tra le schede scegliete “Geometria”. Mettete un segno di spunta su “Trasformazione” oppure “Rotazione”. Alla funzione “Trasformazione” orientate il video secondo un angolo definito.
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To rotate a video using VLC, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Tools" menu.
  2. Select "Effects and Filters" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + E.
  3. In the "Adjustments and Effects" window, go to the "Video Effects" tab.
  4. Check the "Transform" box.
  5. Choose the desired rotation from the dropdown menu.
  6. Click "Close".

To rotate a video on your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Gallery application on your device.
  2. Tap on the thumbnail of the video.
  3. In the next step, tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left.
  4. Rotate the clip 90 degrees using the rotating arrow next to the playback bar.

If you’re looking for free programs to rotate 3gp videos, consider the following options:

  • Movie Rotator 2.0
  • Video Rotator
  • Flip and Rotate Video for Free
  • Freemake Video Converter
  • Any Video Converter

Recommended: Wondershare Filmora (formerly known as Wondershare Video Editor)

To rotate videos on a computer, use the numeric keypad shortcuts:

  • Alt+8: Rotate from top to bottom.
  • Alt+2: Rotate from bottom to top.
  • Alt+4: Rotate from left to right.
  • Alt+6: Rotate from right to left.

To transform a vertical video to horizontal:

  1. Open the file by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Open file".
  2. Go to the "Video Effects" section under the "Window" menu.
  3. Select the "Geometry" tab and click on "Transformation".
  4. Choose the desired rotation from the dropdown menu: horizontal flip, vertical flip, or 90 degrees.

To rotate a video from vertical to horizontal, visit the website and follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Choose video" button.
  2. Change the orientation clockwise or counterclockwise and adjust the aspect ratio.
  3. Optionally, change the color of the bars.
  4. To download or share your video, click "Rotate video".

To add a mirror effect to a video:

  1. Drag the video into the Playlist area before moving to the Timeline.
  2. Click on "Filters" and then navigate to the "+" icon.
  3. Select "Mirror" under the Video Filters tab.
  4. The filter will be automatically applied without the need for further configuration.

To rotate a video by 180 degrees:

  1. Open the original video file.
  2. Click on one of the rotation buttons from the top bar of the screen.
  3. Windows Movie Maker will rotate the entire video by 90 or 180 degrees to the right or left.

To rotate a video on Windows 10 using the Photos app:

  1. Open the Photos app.
  2. Choose a new video project, give it a name, and select "Add" to choose the video to rotate.
  3. Drag the video to the storyboard at the bottom.
  4. Click the Rotate button to rotate the video.

To rotate an MP4 video for free:

  1. Play the video in VLC.
  2. Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Effects and Filters".
  3. Choose the "Video Effects" tab.
  4. Check the "Geometry" option and enable the "Transformation" checkbox.
Come salvare un video VLC?
1) Cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse su una delle icone corrispondenti al video che si intende salvare: 2) Selezionare la voce dal men� "Salva oggetto con nome..." confermando, in seguito, la cartella in cui si intende salvare il filmato e confermare.
Come cambiare il formato video con VLC?
Avviate VLC, aprire il menu Media e fate clic su Converti/Salva. Nella finestra visualizzata, fate clic su Aggiungi e importate il file MP4. Fate clic su Converti/Salva e, nella finestra che si apre, fate clic sul pulsante Modifica profilo selezionato. Nella scheda Incapsulamento, selezionate MP4/MOV.
Come ruotare il video del PC?
Seleziona il pulsante Start, quindi digita impostazioni. Selezionare Impostazioni >, sistema >, schermoe scegliere un orientamento dello schermo nell'elenco a discesa accanto a Orientamento dello schermo.

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