Come rintracciare un pacco Amazon spedito con poste italiane?

Come tracciare un pacco Amazon Poste Italiane?

Puoi monitorare in tempo reale sulla mappa lo stato di avanzamento di alcuni pacchi spediti. Ti avviseremo quando potrai tracciare il tuo pacco. Per accedere alla tracciabilità sulla mappa Amazon, seleziona Traccia il mio pacco da I miei ordini o dall'e-mail di conferma della spedizione.
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To keep track of your Amazon delivery, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Your Orders" page on Amazon.
  2. Click on the "Track Packages" button.
  3. You will be redirected to the tracking page.
  4. If your package was shipped by DHL, UPS, Deutsche Post, Poste Italiane, or SDA, you will be able to see the courier’s tracking number.

Locating an Amazon Package

To find the location of an Amazon package, you have two options:

  1. Select "Track My Package" from the shipment confirmation email or from your orders. The courier will be visible on the map on the day of delivery.
  2. Use the Poste Italiane website to search for an ordinary, express, or international package sent by them. Enter the code in the designated space and click on the yellow magnifying glass. The website will immediately show the current location of the package.

What happens if the courier cannot find anyone at home?

If the courier cannot find anyone at home, they will leave a notice in the mailbox. The notice will indicate the day from which you can go to the post office or the delivery center to personally pick up your package.

Finding a Poste Italiane Shipment

To search for a Poste Italiane shipment, follow these steps:

  1. Use the "Search Shipments" function on the Poste Italiane website.
  2. Enter the barcode from the receipt.
  3. The website will provide information about the shipment.
  4. Alternatively, you can call the toll-free number 803.160* and provide the shipping code.
  5. You can also check directly from the Postal Search app on your mobile phone.

Identifying the Courier’s Name

To identify the name of the courier, check the return label that you received later. You can download a sample return label here to find this information.

Tracking a Package without a Tracking Number

It is not possible to track a package or registered mail without the tracking code. It is impossible to check the status of the shipment without the code. Although rare, the installation of a satellite locator inside the package makes this possible.

What is the Shipping Code?

The tracking number, also known as the tracking code or tracking number, is an alphanumeric code assigned to each shipment for identification purposes. It is a type of tax code that distinguishes different shipments.

How often do couriers make deliveries?

If the express courier cannot find anyone, they will leave a delivery notice. The package will be attempted to be delivered again in the following two days. During this time, you can contact the express courier offices to inform them of any changes in the delivery address.

How many delivery attempts does the postal service make?

Delivery to the recipient requires two attempts. If the shipment is not delivered even on the second attempt, the recipient or their delegate can pick it up at the post office indicated on the notice left by the mail carrier. The shipment will be available free of charge for 15 days.

Dove si trova il mio pacco con Poste Italiane?
nell'apposita sezione “Cerca Spedizioni” di, inserendo il codice spedizione presente nella ricevuta sotto il codice a barre, senza interruzioni e senza trattino (es.: 050000201242) chiamando il Servizio Clienti ai numeri 803.160 e 06.4526.3160* e fornendo il codice invio.
Come rintracciare un pacco spedito all'estero con Poste Italiane?
Puoi informarti sullo stato della tua spedizione fino al Centro Scambi Internazionale Gateway Poste Italiane: con Cerca Spedizioni, inserendo il codice presente nella ricevuta sotto il codice a barre. Il codice deve essere inserito senza interruzioni e senza trattino (es.: 050000201242)
Come ritirare un pacco Amazon dalle Poste Italiane?
Per ritirare un prodotto comprato online presso un Punto di Ritiro, si dovrà scegliere in fase di acquisto sul sito e-commerce il Punto Poste preferito sul quale farsi recapitare la spedizione. Tra i principali siti di e-commerce che aderiscono alla Rete Punto Poste sono presenti Amazon, Zalando, H&,M e Vinted.

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