Come rimettere un’app nella schermata Home?

Come ripristinare icona sparita?

Apri il Google Play Store. sul telefono o tablet Android.A destra, tocca l'icona del profilo.Tocca Gestisci app e dispositivo. Gestisci.Seleziona le app che vuoi installare o attivare. Se non riesci a trovare l'app, in alto, tocca Questo dispositivo. Non installate.Tocca Installa o Attiva.
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Title: Frequently Asked Questions

How to reset the Home screen?

To reset the Home screen, follow these steps:

  • Select the menu and then select "Reset Home screen".
  • In the displayed message, press the "OK" option.

How can I see recently installed apps?

You can view the history of the last installed apps on your phone or on the web. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store application on your Android phone.
  2. Tap the menu button (three lines).
  3. Select "My apps & games" from the menu to view a list of the apps currently installed on your device.

What is the purpose of the Chrome browser?

Google Chrome facilitates browsing and access to websites. It is one of the most reliable, fast, and secure options available in the market.

What is the difference between a website and a browser?

The browser is the application we use to navigate the Internet (e.g., Chrome, Safari, or Edge), while the search engine is a website or service we use with the browser to search for information and websites.

How can I uninstall Google Chrome?

If you uninstall Google Chrome, your profile information will no longer be on your computer. However, the data may still be on Google’s servers if you have synced the data with Chrome. To delete it, simply delete the browsing data.

How can Discovery be re-enabled?

In the browser:

  1. Access the website from your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Click on the menu and select "Settings".
  3. Click on "Manage interests" under "Discover".
  4. Click on "Discover" next to the topic or source you want to restore.

Why is Google not providing me with information anymore?

To enable news notifications on Google Chrome:

  1. On the main page of the application or on any new tab opened, click on the gear icon on the right, next to the "Discover – Disabled" option.
  2. Then, choose "Enable" from the menu.

Why is Google Discover not working properly?

Access the app and notifications settings in Google. On the app page, select "Storage & cache". Click on "Clear" in the Cache section. The Google and Discover apps will function properly.

How can I restore the thumbnails of most visited sites in Chrome?

In the top right corner of the Chrome window, click on the three dots. Then, go to "Settings". To see more settings, scroll down and click on "Advanced". The "Reset settings" section is located at the bottom of the Settings page.

What is the best way to recover the Google icon?

To proceed, unlock your device and long-tap on an "empty" point on the Home screen (meaning there are no icons). Then, click on the Widget button that should appear at the bottom. On the next screen, search for the Google icon.

Come recuperare un app rimossa dalla schermata Home iPhone?
Vai in Impostazioni >, Generali >, Trasferisci o inizializza iPhone. Tocca Ripristina, tocca “Ripristina layout schermata Home”, quindi tocca “Ripristina schermata Home”. Tutte le cartelle che hai creato vengono rimosse e le app che hai scaricato vengono ordinate alfabeticamente dopo quelle in dotazione con iPhone.
Come far comparire l'icona di un app?
Se vuoi sapere come ripristinare le icone sul cellulare e utilizzi un dispositivo Android, hai varie possibilità a tua disposizione: in primis, se ti sono semplicemente “scomparse” delle icone dalla Home screen, puoi accedere al menu delle app e ripristinare le icone di tuo interesse con un banale trascinamento delle ...
Come ripristinare icone di app scomparse su iPhone?
Se hai spostato un'app dalla schermata Home alla libreria app, puoi facilmente riportarla sulla schermata Home. Tieni premuta l'app, quindi tocca “Aggiungi a Home” (visibile solo se l'app non si trova già sulla schermata Home). L'app viene mostrata di nuovo sulla schermata Home e rimane anche nella libreria app.

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