Come posso sapere se un mio contatto Viber è in linea?

Come funziona la chat segreta di Viber?

In alternativa è anche presente la chat nascosta, ovvero la possibilità di togliere una chat dalla lista e renderla accessibile solo dopo aver immesso una password. Per farlo vai nella Home e fai un tap prolungato sulla chat in questione. Ora premi la voce Nascondi chat e poi su Imposta PIN.
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In the upper part of the screen, you can see the contact’s last access. Search for their name at the top of the profile page and check if the word "Online" appears below. The last date or time of access will appear if the user is not online, which is the last time they used Viber.

Security Features of Viber

  • Secure Communications: Viber automatically encrypts photos, videos, phone calls, video calls, text messages, and group chats.
  • Secure Contacts: To ensure the identity of the people you are talking to, manually authenticate contacts.

Viber Developers

Viber was developed by fourteen Israeli partners, including Talmon Marco (CEO), Igor Megzinik, Sani Maroli, and Ofer Smocha. They are co-owners of the company. It was acquired by the Japanese company Rakuten for $900 million on February 14, 2014.

Alternative Messaging Applications

Considering this, what other method could be used instead of WhatsApp? So, what other applications can perform similar tasks?

  • Telegram: Telegram is the most popular option because it is the most similar.

  • Snapchat

  • Google Hangouts

Secure Chat Applications

Which chats are more secure? Which messaging app for Android and iPhone is safer?

  • Wickr Me
  • Dust
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • iMessage (Apple)
  • Facebook Messenger

Free Chat Applications

  • PuntoChat: Another well-known free online chat service that works without registration or plugins. You can send group and private messages to other connected users.
  • ChatExpert: A free chat service that you can use without registration.

Installing Viber on Computer

How can I install Viber on my computer? Before starting to download Viber on Windows, you simply need to click here to access the application’s download webpage.

Smart Notifications

What are smart notifications? If smart notifications are enabled, they are sent wherever you are. If you are active on Twitch, you will receive notifications if a channel you follow starts broadcasting. You will receive a notification on your mobile device or via email if you are not present on Twitch.

Secure Communication

How can I start talking securely? Telegram is a very famous app for secure communication. This app, like WhatsApp, allows you to chat securely by encrypting connections, making it impossible for anyone to intercept them. Additionally, Telegram works very quickly.

Most Used Application Worldwide

Furthermore, what is the most used application in the world? Below, we will examine the top ten most used smartphone apps in the world, based on statistics from the Google Play and iTunes stores.

  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Google Chrome
  • Telegram
  • YouTube
Come faccio a sapere se sono stato bloccato su Viber?
Passaggio 1: avvia Viber e controlla la sua immagine del profilo. Passaggio 2: controlla l'immagine del tuo profilo sul tuo cellulare. Se l'immagine rimane invariata, lui/lei non ti blocca. Passaggio 3: per eseguire una verifica incrociata, controlla lo stesso contatto sospetto dall'account Viber di un altro.
Cosa succede se blocco un contatto su Viber?
La persona bloccata non può né effettuare una videochiamata/chiamata vocale né inviarti messaggi. Anche se provi a chiamarlo/inviargli un messaggio, Viber ti chiederà prima di sbloccarlo.
Che differenza c'è tra Viber e WhatsApp?
Su Viber puoi inviare messaggi di testo gratuiti a qualsiasi numero, anche se la persona non sta utilizzando Viber. WhatsApp non ha una funzione simile. Puoi scegliere di essere invisibile su entrambe le app senza dover disconnetterti. WhatsApp ti consente di disattivare le notifiche.

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