Come passare un gioco da un cellulare ad un altro?

Come si fa a passare un gioco da un telefono all'altro?

Scarica il gioco dal negozio sul tuo nuovo dispositivo.Collega il gioco appena installato allo stesso account Google utilizzato sul tuo vecchio dispositivo.Tocca "Seleziona" nella finestra pop-up nell'opzione "Sul server".Digitare OK e premere Conferma.
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Migrating Game Data

  1. Copy and paste the method for migrating game data and the game.
  2. To do this, go to File Manager/Explorer, choose "Data," and select "Android."
  3. Locate the game folder and copy the OBB file.
  4. Do not open the new phone before installing the game.
  5. Insert the OBB file in the same location as the newly purchased phone (Android, Data, > game folder).

Restoring Game Progress

  1. Can game progress be restored?

    • Try restarting the device if the game is associated with an account.
    • After completing the login, access the game again.
    • Try using another device to see if your progress is restored.
    • You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
  2. How to restore progress in Android games?

    • Open the Google Play application on your Android phone or tablet.
    • Tap the three-line icon to access the menu.
    • Go to the "My apps & games" section in the Library tab.
    • Reinstall the game application you deleted.
    • If you have backed up game data on Google Drive, you can restore it from the cloud.

Starting a Bluetooth Game

  1. Select a file from the Bluetooth File Transfer app in the Backup folder.
  2. After selecting, press the Bluetooth button, search for the device, and send the file.
  3. The recipient can install the file once received.

Best Way to Sync Games on Android

  1. How to sync Android games:
    • To resume where you left off on your old phone, suggest installing the same game on your new smartphone.
    • Sign in using the same account you used to access Google Play Games on your previous device.
    • Install the game on which you want to load the progress you have already made.

Connecting a Game with Google Play

  1. Tap the three dots in the top right corner to access the Google Play Games app menu.
  2. Then, select Settings.
  3. Ensure that the setting for automatic sign-in to games is enabled.
  4. Try restarting your device.

Where to Find Android Game Saves

  1. In the free version, Android games are saved in the cloud or on the SD card.
  2. This app must be synced with your computer to function correctly.

Troubleshooting Game Issues

  1. What to do if a game is not working:
    • Check the minimum requirements of the game if it doesn’t start.
    • Restore the launcher.
    • Restart the computer.
    • Manage video drivers.
    • Start the game as an administrator.
    • Remove unnecessary devices.
    • Check that the game is installed correctly.
    • Monitor servers via the internet.

Starting Over in a Game

  1. How to restart a game on Android:
    • Open the Play Games application on your Android smartphone or tablet.
    • Tap "More" at the top of the screen.
    • Click on "Delete Play Games data and account."
    • Search for the game data you want to remove in the "Delete individual game data" section and then tap "Delete."

Accessing Uninstalled Games

  1. Recovering deleted applications from smartphones and tablets is easy, regardless of your Android, iPhone, or iPad device:
    • Open the app store.
    • Access the section that shows the history of previously installed applications.
    • Choose which ones to redownload.
Come trasferire i dati di un gioco su un altro account?
Mi dispiace ma non è possibile trasferire i tuoi dati di gioco a un altro account Google. Se però un gioco ha un proprio account diverso da quello di Google, per accedere agli stessi dati dovrebbe bastare eseguire l'accesso all'account del gioco dall'altro account Google.
Come sincronizzare un gioco su due dispositivi?
Apri il Google Play Store. .Tocca l'Icona del profilo.Tocca Gestisci app e dispositivo. Sincronizza le app con i dispositivi.Seleziona i dispositivi che vuoi sincronizzare con le tue app.

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