Come passare le conversazioni di WhatsApp su un altro telefono?

Come passare WhatsApp su un altro telefono senza perdere le chat?

Per utilizzarla, occorrerà andare nelle opzioni della chat, nelle impostazioni dell'app. "Chat Transfer" sarà presente tra le funzioni di backup e cronologia. Dopo aver selezionato l'opzione, basterà solo scansione un codice QR da un altro device Android e il processo di migrazione verrà avviato.
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How to Transfer WhatsApp Account from Android to Android:

  1. Verify that the backup has been completed successfully.
  2. Change the SIM card on your new phone.
  3. Restore the synchronization of your Google Drive profile on the new device.
  4. Install WhatsApp.

How to Transfer Data from one Samsung phone to another:

  1. On the new Galaxy phone, select the Smart Switch app.
  2. Click on the "Accept" button.
  3. Click "OK".
  4. Choose the "Receive data" option.
  5. Choose between Android or Galaxy.
  6. Connect the Samsung Galaxy to the Android phone.

How to Transfer Photos via Bluetooth:

  1. Once Bluetooth is activated, access the Gallery or Photos app on your smartphone and select an image to send.
  2. Then, tap on the Share icon, located at the bottom right or left, depending on the phone model. This icon may be an arrow pointing left or upwards.

In this context, where will the photos sent via Bluetooth end up? The Download folder contains the files sent via Bluetooth on an Android phone like the Samsung Galaxy.

How to Send Images on WhatsApp:

  1. Tap the "Attach" button next to the message field, which is the paperclip-shaped icon, to send a photo from your gallery.
  2. Choose the album from which you want to send the photo, select it, and press "Send".

Why can’t I send photos via WhatsApp?
If you are having trouble sending photos with WhatsApp, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your phone has a strong signal and an active internet connection. You can try loading a web page.
  2. Verify that the time and date are correctly set on the phone.

Why can’t I send photos via WhatsApp?
If the problem with WhatsApp persists, try restarting the phone by turning it off and on again. Try using the chat to send photos and images after opening WhatsApp. If the issue still persists, ask your friends to try sending photos.

How to Send a Photo to all my WhatsApp Friends:

  1. Type the message you want to send to all selected contacts in the appropriate text field at the bottom.
  2. Alternatively, you can tap the "+" symbol on the left to send documents, photos, audio, locations, or share contacts.
  3. Then, click on the blue button on the paper to send the message.

How to Transfer Data from one phone to another:

Synchronization through Google (on Android and iOS) or iCloud (on iOS) is the quickest way to transfer contacts and calendars from one device to another. In other words, simply use the same account on the new phone to move all the data.

What to do before changing the SIM? Will I lose the numbers in my contacts if I change the carrier?

  • Save the contacts in the cloud (on Android and iOS).
  • Export the contacts to the device.
  • Save the contacts in VCF and then import them to the SIM.
Come passare tutti i messaggi di WhatsApp su un altro telefono?
Apri la chat.Tocca Altre opzioni >, Altro >, Esporta chat.Tocca Senza file multimediali o Includi file multimediali.
Come avere tutte le chat di WhatsApp cambiando telefono?
Installa WhatsApp sul tuo nuovo telefono Android 📲 e accedi all'app inserendo il tuo numero di telefono. Ora ti basta premere su “Ripristina” quando l'app ti chiederà di ripristinare il backup che trova in memoria. In pochi minuti avrai finito di trasferire i messaggi WhatsApp da iPhone ad Android.
Come portare le conversazioni di WhatsApp su un altro telefono?
Apri WhatsApp sul tuo telefono principale Android. >, Dispositivi collegati >, Collega un dispositivo. Sblocca il tuo telefono principale: Se il dispositivo è dotato di autenticazione biometrica, segui le istruzioni riportate a schermo.

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