Come mettere visual code in italiano?

Come cambiare lingua su Visual Code?

Scegliere la scheda Language Pack nella Programma di installazione di Visual Studio.Selezionare la lingua preferita.Segui le istruzioni.
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To change the language in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + P to access the Command Palette.
  2. After pressing Enter, the following menu will open.
  3. Here, you can choose the language pack you desire, such as the Italian Language Pack for Visual Studio Code.
  4. Then, access the following screen.

Additionally, you may ask: How to change the language instead of the code? To access the Command Palette, select "CTRL+SHIFT+P". Then, type "visualizza" to filter and see the command "Configura la lingua visualizzata".

In the latest two versions, Microsoft Visual Studio, a very popular code editor, allows you to create applications for Windows 8.1 on computers, tablets, or smartphones simply by writing the code.

So, what is the purpose of Visual Studio Code? Visual Studio Code is a source code editor created by Microsoft that is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. Code refactoring, snippets, debugging support, syntax simplification, IntelliSense, and integrated Git control are all included.

Therefore, how to compile the code in Visual Studio? Compiling code with Visual Studio Code is as easy as this. Select "Build Solution" in the "Build" menu to complete the project. The output window will show the compilation results. In the menu bar, select the "Debug" menu and choose "Start Without Debugging" to run the code.

To start a C++ project in Visual Studio, select File -> New from the main menu and choose Create a new project. At the top of the dialog box, select the C++ language, Windows platform, and Console project type.

Visual Basic, often abbreviated as VB, is an event-driven programming language that provides tools for easy and practical website development, even for those with limited experience.

Therefore, how to write HTML with Visual Studio Code? Once you open a new file, the editor will prompt you to click on "Select a language" to open a search bar that includes all the languages supported by Visual Studio Code. In this case, type and select HTML before clicking the Enter key.

How can I save coded files in Visual Studio Code? To save an encrypted file:

  1. From the File menu, choose Save As.
  2. Then, click the drop-down menu button next to the Save button.
  3. The Advanced Save Options dialog box will open.
  4. Choose the encoding to use for the file under Encoding.

To get started, open the Visual Studio Code "Extensions" window, as shown below:

  1. Enter "python" in the search bar.
  2. Install the Python extension.
  3. Now your Visual Studio Code is ready to compile your Python programs.
Come scaricare Visual Studio Code in italiano?
Aprire un Web browser e passare a Scaricare la versione per il sistema operativo. Visual Studio Code supporta Windows, Linux e macOS. Dopo il download, eseguire il programma di installazione.
Come selezionare il linguaggio su Visual Studio Code?
Una volta aperto un nuovo file, l'editor ti suggerirà di cliccare sulla scritta Seleziona un linguaggio per aprire una barra di ricerca con al suo interno tutti i linguaggi supportati da Visual Studio Code. In questo caso, digita e successivamente seleziona la voce HTML premendo infine sul tasto Invio.
In che linguaggio è scritto Visual Studio Code?
Visual Studio Code Include il supporto predefinito per JavaScript, TypeScript e Node. js e offre un ecosistema ricco di estensioni per altri linguaggi e runtime (ad esempio C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, . NET).

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