Come mai non parte la posta in uscita?

Perché mi rimane la posta in uscita?

Perché le email potrebbero rimanere nella Posta in uscita Problemi di connessione: se sei offline o hai problemi a Internet, l'email rimarrà nella posta in uscita fino a quando non verrà stabilita una connessione. Allegati di grandi dimensioni: l'invio delle email con allegati pesanti potrebbe richiedere più tempo.
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If your email messages are not being sent, it is likely that someone has configured their account to use TCP port 25 and is using an internet connection different from the one provided by the email account provider.

Possible Reasons for Not Being Able to Send an Email

There could be several reasons why you are unable to send an email:

  1. The recipient’s mailbox may have reached its maximum capacity and is automatically rejecting new messages.
  2. The email may be considered as spam.
  3. Additional authentication or an active rejection filter may be required.

Using Outgoing Mail Considering These Issues

To use the outgoing mail in consideration of these issues, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "SEND/RECEIVE" and choose "Offline" to send an email from the outgoing mail.
  2. Then, click on "Outgoing Mail" in the navigation pane.

Accessing Outlook’s Outgoing Mail

To access Outlook’s outgoing mail, follow these steps:

  1. Close Outlook, as it may remain stuck while sending messages.
  2. Restart Outlook, which should now start in Offline mode.
  3. After deleting the problematic message, restart in online mode.

Sending an Email from a Mobile Device

To send an email from your mobile device, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Compose Message" or "Write" depending on the app used to send an email.
  2. If you click on the paperclip icon in the top bar of your smartphone, you can write or attach one or more files, such as a photo, video, or document.

Delayed Messages

If your message is delayed, it is because Gmail cannot immediately send outgoing mail due to a queue. However, it will be queued and attempted to be sent later.

Adding Additional Outgoing Mail Servers to an iPhone

To add additional outgoing mail servers to your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Search for "Mail" in your iPhone/iPad settings.
  2. Enter your account "[email protected]" in the Account section.
  3. Then, choose SMTP as the outgoing mail server.
  4. Enter your outgoing mail server data in the "Primary Server" field.

Outlook Not Sending Mail

If you see the message "Disconnected," "Offline," or "Attempting to Connect," it means that Outlook is unable to connect to the mail server to send messages. To switch between offline and online mode, choose Send/Receive and Preferences, and Work Offline.

Outlook Not Allowing Email Sending

To troubleshoot Outlook not allowing email sending, follow these steps:

  1. Disable antivirus protection, restart the software, and try to send email messages from the outgoing mail with a simple test.
  2. Configure an antivirus or firewall to prevent scanning of outgoing email messages if they are being sent.

Restarting Outlook

To restart Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Tools" in Microsoft Outlook and scroll down to "Customize."
  2. In the dialog box, go to the "Toolbars" tab.
  3. Choose the toolbar box you want to restore to the original settings and click on "Restore."
Perché le mail non partono?
I motivi possono essere diversi: molto probabilmente l'email viene considerata SPAM oppure la casella del destinatario ha raggiunto il limite massimo di capienza e rifiuta automaticamente nuovi messaggi. Ancora, è richiesta autenticazione aggiuntiva o è attivo un filtro di reject.
Come sbloccare la posta in uscita su Gmail?
Qui bisogna andare su Impostazioni, fare clic su Vedi tutte le impostazioni e poi selezionare la scheda Filtri e indirizzi bloccati. In questa nuova scheda sarà possibile verificare se il mittente sia tra quelli bloccati o meno e, in caso, sbloccarlo per riattivare la corretta ricezione delle email.

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