Come leggere il contenuto di un file p7m?

To read files with the p7m extension, you can use appropriate software. One of the most popular software for reading p7m files is Dike. Don’t worry if it’s not installed; you can download it for free on your computer. To open a p7m file in PDF format, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the PosteCert website of Poste Italiane.
  2. Click on the "Choose a signed file" button.
  3. Select a PDF file with the .p7m extension.
  4. The file will be displayed through the File Explorer/Finder window.

Dike is one of the most popular and free programs for opening and verifying p7m files. To use Dike, follow these steps:

  1. Download Dike from the InfoCert website.
  2. Confirm the suggested installation options.

To open a digitally signed file (or p7m file) with Poste Italiane, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file saved on your computer.
  2. Click on the "Browse" button and then click "Open".
  3. If prompted, press the "Confirm" button (or "Accept and Verify" or "Verify", depending on the certifying entity’s link).

MKT.IT is an online platform dedicated to electronic invoices that allows you to view files in XML or p7m format. The website allows exporting the invoice in PDF format and viewing p7m files. The usage is extremely simple and easy to understand.

You can download one of the many available apps to open p7m files on your Android smartphone, such as Electronic Invoice Viewer. This free application is available in the Play Store and other stores, allowing you to open an XML or p7m file to view the invoice inside.

To add a digital signature to a PDF document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the PDF document or form.
  2. Click on the "Signature" icon in the toolbar.
  3. Alternatively, choose "Tools > Fill & Sign" or "Fill & Sign" in the right-hand panel.
  4. Use the Fill & Sign tool to add your digital signature.

To use Poste’s digital signature, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the free software "firmaOK!" on your personal computer.
  2. When you want to sign a document, enter your OTP Verification Code and Signature PIN, which you will receive via SMS to the mobile number provided during enrollment.
  3. Add the Smart Card to the reader.
  4. Open the digital signature module.
  5. Choose the document you want to sign.
  6. Select the type of signature to use.
  7. Enter your PIN.

To use Poste’s Firma OK, follow these steps:

  1. Select the certificate to be used for signing the timestamp request, which can be found under "LAST NAME FIRST NAME".
  2. Enter the PIN of the cryptographic device connected to the PC, which can be a smart card or a USB token.
  3. Click "OK" to proceed.
  4. Sign OK when the timestamp operation is complete.

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