Come funzionano le videochiamate su Messenger?

Come si fa la videochiamata su Messenger?

Dall'area delle chat, aprite una conversazione con la persona o il gruppo con cui volete iniziare la videochiamata, quindi premete sull'icona della videochiamata. Se non siete connessi al Wi-Fi quando effettuate una videochiamata con il vostro dispositivo mobile, la funzione utilizzerà il vostro piano dati esistente.
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To make a video call with someone on Facebook Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger application.
  2. Tap on the "Call" option.
  3. Press the camera icon next to the contact you want to call.
  4. The video call will start immediately.

What Does the Camera Symbol in Text Messages Mean?

The flashing camera symbol indicates the new video call feature on Facebook Messenger. It allows you to show real-time footage from your camera to someone else.

How to Make a Group Video Call on Messenger with Three People

To start a group video call on Messenger with three people, follow these steps:

  1. After opening the application, tap on the phone icon at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. On iOS, press the button with three people on top or select the "Start a Group Call" option on Android.

How to View Video Calls on Messenger

To access video call features on Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Enter Messenger and initiate a regular video call with the desired contacts.
  2. Swipe up and select the "Watch Together" menu.

Cost of Making a Video Call on Messenger

Video calls on Messenger are free. However, they are VoIP calls that require an internet connection. Therefore, they are free if you already have a mobile subscription with internet access. Additionally, each call consumes a certain amount of data traffic.

How to Answer a Messenger Call

To answer a call via Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. The caller’s name will appear on the screen, along with two buttons to answer or decline the call.
  2. Accept the call by pressing the green button. Alternatively, press the red button to reject it.

When Does the Messenger Camera Turn On?

The camera icon in the top right corner will start flashing when both participants in a conversation are active on Messenger.

How to Identify Who is Chatting on Messenger

To determine who is currently chatting on Messenger, follow these steps:

  1. Access the contact you want to examine.
  2. Observe the text that appears below their name.
  3. The text "Active Now" will appear if the contact is currently online on both Facebook and Messenger.

Are You Active on Messenger While on Facebook?

Yes, if you are logged into Facebook, you will also appear as active on Messenger.

How to Make a Group Video Call

To make a group video call, follow these steps:

  1. From a group chat, tap the camera icon in the top right corner if the group has fewer than four people.
  2. Press the call icon if there are more than five people in the chat.
  3. Include the people you want to talk to.
  4. Select the camera icon.
Quanto costa una videochiamata con Messenger?
Innanzitutto, se ti stai chiedendo se la videochiamata con Facebook si paga, devi sapere che tutte le chiamate e le videochiamate sono completamente gratuite.
Come funzionano le videochiamate?
Per effettuare una videochiamata, nella schermata Contatti trovare la persona nell'elenco Contatti o digitarne il nome nella casella di ricerca. Dopo aver trovato il contatto, toccarne il nome, toccare l'icona Video e quindi toccare Avvia video per avviare una videochiamata.
Perché non riesco a chiamare una persona su Messenger?
Il microfono non funziona quando chiamo qualcuno su Messenger. Ricorda che prima di poter effettuare una chiamata, devi autorizzare Messenger ad accedere al microfono del tuo dispositivo. Puoi verificare se hai concesso l'autorizzazione dalle impostazioni del computer o del browser.

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