Come faccio a nascondere le foto in cui ci sei tu su Facebook?

Come nascondere le foto in cui sei taggato su Facebook?

Nella parte sinistra dello schermo, clicchiamo su “Diario e Aggiunta di Tag“. Evidenziamo ora: Chi può vedere i post in cui sei taggato sul tuo diario? E clicchiamo su Modifica. Possiamo ora scegliere, chi può visualizzare le foto in cui siamo stati taggati.
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To hide images that show you are on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Select the photo or video.
  2. Insert your username.
  3. Select "Hide" from my profile.

To make your profile picture private, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the icon with three dots located at the top right.
  2. A pop-up menu will appear with a series of options to modify things.
  3. Click on "Edit privacy".
  4. With this option, you can choose who can see your profile picture.
  5. Consequently, who can access photos on Facebook?
    • People who are tagged in the photo
    • The audience with whom they are shared
    • Friends that tagged people choose to add to this audience.

To insert images or stories in the Featured section, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the top right of Facebook, adding your name.
  2. Click here for more information about yourself. New
  3. Select the images you want to include. You can choose multiple stories and images at once.
  4. Click on "Next" at the bottom.
  5. You can find it here:
    • Select "Save" at the bottom.

If you want to prevent non-friends from seeing what your friends post on your profile, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook application settings.
  2. Click on Profile and add tags.
  3. Remove the option "Who can see what others post on your profile".
  4. How do people who are not your friends on Facebook see your profile?
    • Click on the top right on Facebook and then select your name.
    • Click on and choose "View as".
    • Tap "Exit" at the top to exit View as.

To prevent people from seeing when you change your profile picture, follow these steps:

  1. Update it as "Private" if you don’t want to show this update publicly or if you want to change your Facebook profile picture without informing friends.
  2. Click on the globe icon next to the date/time and choose "Only me" to do so.

Therefore, who can see my profile picture?

  • Your current cover and profile pictures are public, so everyone on Facebook can see them, both inside and outside.
  • To learn more about adding or changing your cover image or profile picture, refer to this article.

Regarding WhatsApp, the only thing you can do is change the privacy settings to prevent your profile picture from being shown to everyone, including your contacts or none of them.

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Then go to Account, Privacy, and App Profile Picture.
  3. Choose your preferred option.

Your featured stories on Facebook can be viewed by anyone, including your Facebook friends, followers, and people you have chatted with on Messenger. Only your friends can respond to your stories, but anyone following you can see them.

Come eliminare le foto in cui ci sei tu su Facebook?
Vai alla foto.Tocca in alto a destra.Nel menu visualizzato, tocca Rimuovi tag.Tocca Conferma.
Come posso nascondere le mie foto?
Apri l'app Google Foto .In basso, tocca Raccolte.In basso, tocca Bloccato.Seleziona Configura Cartella protetta. Ora puoi anche scegliere di attivare il backup per la Cartella protetta.Segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per sbloccare il dispositivo.

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