Come eliminare le foto di Auto backup dalla galleria?

Come togliere le foto dal backup?

Apri l'app Google Foto. sul tuo smartphone o tablet Android.Accedi al tuo Account Google.Tocca e tieni premuto un video o una foto da spostare nel cestino. ... In alto, tocca Elimina .
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To open the Google Photos application, click on the menu button at the top left. Then select the "Settings" option from the menu that opens. On the displayed screen, click on the "Backup and Sync" option. Uncheck the "Backup and Sync" option and you’re done.

Restoring Samsung Gallery

To backup the Samsung gallery, open the Settings application on your Samsung Galaxy. Then select "Cloud and Accounts," "Samsung Cloud," and "Backup Settings." Choose which files, including images, you want to save in the Samsung Cloud service.

Why are Images Deleted from Google Photos When Deleted from the Gallery?

Google Photos deletes photos from the phone because albums in the gallery cannot be synced or backed up. However, if desired, they can be synced. Although we focus on camera files, the principle remains the same.

How to Save Photos on a Samsung Device

In this case, the smartphone must be connected to the computer via USB or Bluetooth. Then access the Samsung Cloud application and choose the "Data Download" option. Afterward, open the Gallery and go to More > Settings > Download content from the cloud.

Removing Photos from Samsung Gallery

To remove photos from the Samsung gallery, select an image to delete from Google Photos. The "Delete" button will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. The photo will be removed from both the phone and the cloud by clicking "Delete."

How to Delete Images from the Gallery

  1. Launch the Google Photos application on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. Sign in to your Google account.
  3. Tap and hold the button for a photo or video that you want to move to the trash. You can choose multiple items.
  4. Click on the "Delete" icon located at the top.

Where to Find Samsung Backup Files

  1. Open the phone’s Settings application.
  2. Click on "Google Backup." If the settings you found in these steps do not match those of your phone, try searching in the Settings app or contact the device manufacturer for assistance.
  3. Click on "Backup Now."

How Gallery Sync Works

This means that images, contacts, and other camera-acquired information, when used on a desktop system or another mobile device, will be saved immediately to Google’s servers and kept up to date on the configured devices.

How to Backup a Samsung Phone

To transfer information from an Android phone to a Samsung Galaxy:

  • On the new Galaxy phone, select the Smart Switch app.
  • Click "Accept."
  • Then click "Allow."
  • Choose to receive the data.
  • Choose between Android or Galaxy.
  • Connect the Samsung Galaxy to the Android phone.

How to Sync the Gallery with Google Photos

Authenticate before starting.

  • Open the Google Photos application on your Android device.
  • Sign in to your Google account.
  • Tap on the profile photo or initial associated with your account at the top right.
  • Choose the settings for photos.
  • Choose whether to enable or disable "Backup and Sync."
Perché le foto cancellate ritornano in galleria?
Alla fine, a causa delle opzioni del tuo telefono Android come la cache dei dati e la sincronizzazione del cloud, è probabile che i file rimossi in precedenza vengano visualizzati di nuovo dopo un nuovo ciclo di sincronizzazione dei file.
Come togliere la sincronizzazione tra galleria e Google Foto?
Fai poi tap sulla voce Impostazioni di Foto, vai su Backup e sincronizzazione e, tramite la schermata successiva, sposta su OFF la levetta a fianco della voce Backup e sincronizzazione.
Perché se elimino le foto dalla galleria si eliminano anche su Google Foto?
Se la galleria è correttamente sincronizzata con Google foto, se cancelli foto dalla galleria del telefono le foto in Google foto rimangono. Viceversa, se cancelli foto in Googlefoto vengono eliminate anche le foto corrispondenti in galleria.

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