Can we delete a CBS log?
log in $env:windir\logs\cbs. It logs various pieces of information related to the Windows trusted installer, for example: the installation of windows updates. You can safely delete this file, the trusted installer creates a new one if it can't find it.
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## Eliminare CBS Logs
Probabilmente dovresti provare a comprimere il file:
- Se fai clic destro sul file di registro CBS.
- Quindi fai clic su Proprietà.
- Quindi fai clic su Avanzate nella scheda Generale.
- Seleziona "Comprimi i contenuti per salvare lo spazio su disco" e clicca su OK.
## Come posso accedere al file CBS log?
Per farlo, seguire la seguente procedura:
- Utilizzare i privilegi di amministratore per avviare un prompt dei comandi.
- Utilizza il prompt dei comandi per digitare il comando riportato di seguito e quindi premere INVIO: `trovastr/c:"[SR]" in "windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log" e "%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt"`.
- Quindi, apri il file `sfcdetails.txt` sul desktop.
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What is in C:\Windows Logs CBS?
CBS. log file contains entries that some files aren't repaired after you successfully run the SFC utility - Windows Server | Microsoft Learn.
How to solve CBS log error?
Press Windows then enter Windows Security in the search bar and click on the relevant search result.Choose Virus &, threat protection.Click on Scan options.Select Windows Defender Offline Scan, and then click on Scan now.More items...•
Where do I find Windir Logs in CBS CBS log?
log file is located in the %windir%\Logs\CBS folder. The Windows Modules Installer service also writes to this log file. (The Windows Modules Installer service installs optional features, updates, and service packs.)