Come configurare un router in cascata?

Come collegare in cascata un router?

Un capo del cavo va collegato a una porta LAN (Ethernet) del vecchio router, mentre l'altro cavo andrà nella porta WAN (Internet) del nuovo router. Adesso, potrai collegargli tutti i dispositivi, che avranno indirizzo IP 192.168.2. X. Come ti dicevo poco più su, il vecchio modem avrà un solo client connesso.
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To connect the main router to the secondary one, follow these steps:

  1. Use an Ethernet cable to establish the connection.
  2. Connect any LAN port on the primary router to the WAN or Internet port on the secondary router.

Your work is completed at this point if the two routers are properly connected.

To connect the TP-Link extender to the modem, follow these solutions:

Solution 1:

  1. Activate the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) on the router.
  2. Press the button on the extender.
  3. The devices will automatically connect to your extended Wi-Fi network, and the TP-Link network will disappear within two minutes.

To install the TP-Link Wi-Fi range extender via WPS:

  1. If your router supports WPS, press the WPS button on the modem (sometimes displayed as two circular arrows).
  2. Within two minutes, press the connection button on the extender (sometimes displayed as a lock with Wi-Fi waves on the sides).

To connect two range extenders to the router:

  1. Plug one of the components into a power outlet near the router.
  2. Plug the other component into another outlet where internet connection is needed.
  3. Connect a device to the other end of the Ethernet cable.

To access the menu of the Fastweb Fastgate router:

  1. While connected to the modem, open a web browser.
  2. Type the address http://myfastgate/.
  3. Once the page loads, enter your login details in the control panel.

To gain access to your Fastweb router:

  1. Type in the browser and press enter.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. If it’s your first time accessing the modem, use the following information:
    • Username: fastweb
    • Password: not required
  4. On the configuration page, click on "Wireless" below "Home Network".

To activate the WPS on the Fastweb NeXXt modem:

  1. Press both Fastweb buttons for 3 seconds.
  2. Press the volume increase button.

The manufacturer of each router provides default credentials (e.g., admin admin or admin password) to protect the interface. The default username and password can be found on a label attached to the router. To discover the modem password, refer to the initial password and setup instructions typically included in the documentation provided with the package. Keep it in a safe place once found. Newer modems may also have a sticker on top with the default password printed.

To physically connect a computer to the modem router:

  1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the computer’s Ethernet port.
  2. Connect the other end to the LAN port on the router.
Come estendere la rete Wi-Fi con due router?
Come aumentare il segnale Wi-Fi con un altro router L'utente collega i due dispositivi attraverso cavo Ethernet, andando a creare due reti che possono essere considerate contigue. Il router connesso a Internet genera la rete, quello aggiuntivo di fatto la prolunga, diventando un secondo access point.
A cosa serve un router in cascata?
Marco71 Partiamo da un concetto generale: mettere il router "in cascata" è una cosa che generalmente non ha molto senso. Tipicamente si fa per migliorare le prestazioni Wi-Fi o per avere delle personalizzazioni che il router "principale" non offre col suo software di gestione.
Come collegare due router con cavo Ethernet?
A questo punto, non devi far altro che collegare i due router attraverso un cavo Ethernet sufficientemente lungo: inserisci un'estremità del cavo in una delle porte LAN (o porte Ethernet/eth) del router principale ed inserisci l'altra estremità in una delle porte LAN del router secondario.

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