Come bloccare le celle in Excel per Mac?

Come bloccare celle su excel con Mac?

Selezionare le celle da bloccare.Scegliere Celle dal menu Formato oppure premere. ... Fare clic sulla scheda Protezione e quindi assicurarsi che la casella Bloccato sia selezionata. ... Se è necessario sbloccare alcune celle, selezionarle.More items...
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To lock cells in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells you want to lock.
  2. Click on the "Format" menu or press.
  3. Click on the "Protection" tab and make sure the "Locked" checkbox is selected.
  4. Select the cells you want to unlock if necessary.

How to Lock a Cell in Excel using Mac Dollars

To lock a cell in Excel using Mac Dollars, you need to prefix a dollar sign ($) to the cell and column references. This way, the formula remains unchanged when copying it. For example, =$A$2+$B$2 from C2 to D2. This is known as an absolute reference.

How to Lock Only Some Cells in Microsoft Excel

To lock only some cells in Microsoft Excel, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the cells you want to lock.
  2. Click on the small arrow in the Alignment group on the Home tab to access the cell formatting window.
  3. Select the "Locked" checkbox on the Protection tab. Then, click OK to close the dialog box.

How to Lock Columns and Rows in Excel Mac

To lock a specific number of rows or columns in Excel Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Select the row below the last row to be locked. Then, click on "Freeze Panes" to lock additional rows.
  2. Similarly, select the column to the right of the last column to be locked and click on "Freeze Panes" to lock additional columns.

How to Set Cells in Excel

Follow these steps to lock columns and rows in Excel to fix cells:

  1. Select the cell you want to keep visible below the rows and to the right of the columns during scrolling.
  2. Click on "View" and then "Freeze Panes".

How is the Dollar Sign Used in Excel?

You can apply the dollar sign ($) symbol to a cell reference when creating a formula in Excel by pressing the F4 function key next to or within a cell reference.

How to Lock the Value in Excel Formula

The F4 key can easily lock the cell reference of a single cell in a formula. Click on one of the cell references in the formula bar and then press the F4 key. The reference to the specified cell will be locked.

How to Lock Top Cells in Excel

In the View section, choose the arrow under Freeze Panes. Then, do one of the following:

  • Click on "Freeze Top Row" to lock a single row.
  • Click on "Freeze First Column" to lock a single column.

How to Activate F4 in Excel

Press SHIFT + F3 to open the Insert Function dialog box. F4 applies relative and absolute references in the formula to a reference cell. Close a specific workbook by pressing CTRL and F4 simultaneously. Use ALT + F4 to close Excel.

How to Lock the First Row and First Column in Excel

To lock both the first row and first column in Excel and scroll the worksheet horizontally and vertically, go to the first cell above and click on "View", "Window", and "Freeze Panes".

Come tenere bloccate le celle su Excel?
Selezionare la cella sotto le righe e a destra delle colonne che si vogliono mantenere visibili durante lo scorrimento. Selezionare Visualizza >, Blocca riquadri >, Blocca riquadri.
Come bloccare riquadri Excel Mac?
Per bloccare più colonne (a partire dalla colonna A), selezionare la colonna a destra dell'ultima colonna da bloccare e quindi toccare Visualizza >, Blocca riquadri >, Blocca riquadri.
Come bloccare celle Excel con F4?
Puoi anche modificare la formula e posizionare il puntatore di digitazione sulla cella e premere il tasto F4 ripetutamente, finché ne avviene il completo blocco, come ti ho indicato.

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