Come avviare Mac da altro disco?

Come cambiare disco di avvio su Mac?

Sul Mac, scegli menu Apple >, Impostazioni di Sistema, fai clic su Generali nella barra laterale, quindi fai clic su Disco di Avvio sulla destra. (Potresti dover scorrere verso il basso). Fai clic sull'icona del disco che desideri utilizzare, quindi fai clic su Riavvia.
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To boot your Mac with an Apple processor and access the startup options, follow these steps:

  1. If your Mac is already on, select Restart from the Apple menu or press the power button to turn it off and then back on.

  2. When you hear the startup sound, press and hold the Option key until the Startup Manager appears. This window will display various boot options, including macOS Recovery, booting from a different disk, starting in safe mode, and more.

To unlock an external Mac disk, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the external hard drive on your Mac computer and select Get Info.

  2. Choose the Sharing & Permissions section and click on the Authentication button.

  3. Select Ignore ownership on this volume.

To start a frozen iMac, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the power button for at least 10 seconds to turn off the Mac.

  2. Wait for a few seconds, then press the power button again to start the Mac.

  3. If the problem persists, continue holding the power button until the computer shuts down.

To restart a frozen computer, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the power button of your Mac computer until it shuts down.

  2. After a while, press the power button again to start the Mac.

  3. Please note that any unsaved changes in open documents may be lost.

To boot Mac from a USB drive, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the Option (Alt) key on the keyboard when starting the computer.

  2. Select the USB drive as the startup disk when the option appears.

To access the BIOS on a Mac computer running Mac OS X, use the following key combinations:

  • X: Does not work with Mac G5.
  • C: Boot from a CD.
  • N: Boot from a FireWire installation disk.
  • D, Alt, or Cmd with other key combinations such as V, S, or P.

To unlock a locked hard disk, follow these steps:

  1. Start the computer with a USB drive or DVD.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Repair your computer, select Advanced startup options, choose Troubleshoot, select Advanced options, and then select Command Prompt.

If your Mac computer is unresponsive, try using the combination of Ctrl + Command + Power button. This combination will initiate the procedure to close all open applications and shut down the system.

To create a bootable USB drive using Rufus, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Rufus program by double-clicking on it.

  2. In the Device section, select the USB drive.

  3. Choose the ISO image option in the Create a bootable disk using section.

  4. Click on the CD-ROM icon on the right and select the ISO file.

Remember to save your changes and properly eject the USB drive before using it as a bootable device.

Come avviare il Mac da un disco esterno?
Riavvia il Mac e tieni premuto il tasto Opzione (Mac Intel) o il pulsante di accensione (Mac Apple Silicon) per caricare lo Startup Manager. Seleziona il disco di backup. Quando fai clic sul pulsante per procedere con il processo di avvio, tieni premuto il tasto Maiuscole per avviare in Modalità Avvio sicuro.
Come entrare nel boot di Mac?
Accendere il computer e premere il tasto per accedere al BIOS. Il tasto per accedere al BIOS solitamente è F2, F10 o Del.
Cosa fare se il Mac non si avvia?
Se il tuo Mac sembra non rispondere, tenta un hard reset. Per i MacBook, tieni premuti contemporaneamente il tasto di accensione e i tasti Shift + Control + Option per 10 secondi, poi rilascia. Se possiedi un Mac desktop, stacca il cavo di alimentazione per 15 secondi, poi ricollegalo e prova ad accenderlo.

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